The Comprehensive Assessment on Water Management in Agriculture has supported several gap-filling research projects contributing to the main themes of the Assessment and involving numerous participants. Fore more details on the projects click on the project title link.
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Project Themes
Potential from Rainfed Systems
Water Scarcity and Food Security in Tropical Rainfed Water Scarcity Systems: A Multi-Level Assessment of Existing Conditions, Response Options and Future Potentials
Assessment of Water Harvesting and Supplemental Irrigation Potential in Arid and Semi-arid Areas of West Asia and North Africa
Irrigation Impacts
Mapping Irrigated Areas
Impacts of Irrigation in Sri Lanka and Taiwan
Evolution of Irrigation in Asia
Effects of Irrigation Systems on Wetland Ecosystem in Developing Countries
Irrigation Impact Study in India
Community-Based Irrigation Management in Ethiopia: Strategies to Enhance Human Health, Livestock and Crop Production, and Natural Resource Management
Assessing the Impacts of Zero-Tillage and other Resource-Conserving Technologies (RCTs) on Farmer Livelihoods in the Irrigated Plains of South Asia
Irrigation Impacts on Fisheries: Laos and Sri Lanka Case Studies
Governing Ground Water Comparative Analysis of National Institutions and Policies in Asia and Africa
Water Productivity in Agriculture
Water Productivity Book (CABI)
Productivity of Water in Agriculture and Interacting Systems: Approaches and Options for Eastern Africa
The Prospects and Impacts of System of Rice Intensification Adoption in Sri Lanka
Potentials of Water-saving Technologies in Rice Production
Water Conservation and Water Productivity Improvement in the Syrdarya and Amu-Darya Basins
Water Management for Fishery and Aquatic Systems
Increasing Water Productivity by Managing Land-Water Interface: Effective Water Control for Solving Conflicts among Agriculture-Fisheries-Aquaculture in Coastal Zones
Improving Water Management for Tropical River Fisheries: An Assessment of Resource Value, Water Requirements, and Decision Making Tools
The Future of Fishing in the Okavango River: Factoring Inland Fisheries into River Basin Planning
River Basin Development and Management
Institutional Innovations for Poverty Eradication: The South African Water Law, and Catchment Management Agencies
Investment in Agricultural Water Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Diagnosis of Trends and Opportunities
Global Water Policy: Addressing the Unanswered Questions - A joint IWMI/IFPRI Model
Water Pricing Book
China’s Reform of Water Prices for Irrigation: Effectiveness and Impact
Land and Water Degradation
Sustainable Wetlands Management for Food and Environmental Security in Africa
Impact of Land and Water Degradation on Food and Environmental Security: Reversing the Trends
Reversing Degradation of Land and Water Resources that Reduce Smallholder's Food Security and Quality of Livelihoods
Achieving a Balance between Agricultural Development and Conservation of Wetland Ecosystems: A Case Study of the Pongolo River Floodplain, South Africa
Water Management for Agriculture and Environment - A Case of People and Park in East Rapti River Basin
Impact of Land Use on River Basin Water Balance: A Case Study of the Modder River Basin, South Africa
Ecosystems and Environment
Environmental Water Requirements at the Global Scale: Developing a "Rule Of Thumb" Assessment Method
Nepal - Opportunity for Integrated Natural Resource Management: Integration of Management of Water, Forest, and Land Resources
IUCN/IWMI/RAMSAR/WRI Resources and Wetland E-atlas (Project); e-atlas website
An Assessment of the Adoption Dynamics, Impacts and Poverty Outreach of Selected Microirrigation Technologies
A Comparative Study of Modern Irrigation Water Systems and Rural Poverty in the Limari Basin, Chile and the Tunuyan Basin, Argentina: Institutional and Socio-Economic Aspects
Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Managing the Water Resources of East and South Africa for Poverty Reduction and Poverty Enhancement