The suggested citation for the book is: Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. 2007. Water for Food, Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London: Earthscan, and Colombo: International Water Management Institute. Chapter names, authors etc. could be obtained from the attached. Book ReviewA review (in French) of the CA Book in Natures Sciences Sociétés by François Molle - Read Review Review by Eric Viala of the CA Book in the online edition of Irrigation and Drainage Systems - Read Review A review of the CA Book – Water for Food, Water for Life - from Dr. Paul Ganderton, the Teaching Ecology Group's Book Review Editor - Read Review Errata
FAO-BiotechNews - Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture New CA publication seriesIssue Brief 12 "Developing and Managing River Basins : The need for adaptive, multilevel, collaborative institutional arrangements". (PDF 142 KB) CA Discussion Paper 6: 'China’s Water Pricing Reforms for Irrigation: Effectiveness and Impact', 2008, Yongsong Liao, Gao Zhanyi, Bao Ziyun, Huang Qingwen, Feng Guangzhi, Xu Di, Cai Jiabin, Han Huijing, Wu Weifeng (PDF 947KB) Lundqvist, Jan, Charlotte de Fraiture and David Molden, 'From Field to Fork - Wastage of Water in the Food Chain', Stockholm Water Front, No 3, October 2007. Water Enough to Eat? CGIAR News, October 2007. Molden, David, Charlotte De Fraiture, Frank Rijsberman. Water Scarcity - The Food Factor. Issues in Science and Technology, 2007 Summer, 39-48.
Runner-up paper for 2006 - Bright spots paper published in ES&T read more Maps In response to a large number of requests for the reproduction of original figures from Comprehensive Assessment study on global environmental water assessment (Research Report N. 2 -Smakhtin et al, 2004), the maps are now available for download in two formats. Click here to go to the page. CA publicationsA new CA publication series - The water for food, water for life briefs- Introduction, issue 1 to 11. The "Water for Food, Water for Life Briefs" serie is a new CA publication. Each brief aim to clarify current debates around water management in agriculture in a descriptive way. They are based on latest findings of the assessment, and scientific knowledge. They are aimed to a non specialised audience. read the briefs.
Book: 'Tropical Deltas and Coastal Zones : Food Production, Communities and Environment at the Land-water Interface ', 2010. Editors: C T Hoanh, B Szuster, K S Pheng, A Ismail, A Noble. CABI Publication, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2010. Series Editor: David Molden, Volume 9, CABI publisher, ISBN: 9781845936181. Order from CABI Publishing. Book: ' River Basin Trajectories : Societies, Environments and Development', CABI, 2009. Editors: F Molle, P Wester, CABI Publication, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2009, Series Editor: David Molden, Volume 8, CABI publisher, ISBN: 9781845935382. Order from CABI Publishing. Book: 'Rainfed Agriculture Unlocking the Potential', CABI, 2009. Editors: S Wani, J Röckstorm, and T Oweis, CABI Publication, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2009, Series Editor: David Molden, Volume 7, CABI publisher, ISBN:9781845933890. Order from CABI Publishing. Book: 'Conserving Land, Protecting Water', CABI, 2008. Editors: D Bossio, and K Geheb, CABI Publication, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2008, Series Editor: David Molden, Volume 6, CABI publisher, ISBN: 9781845933876. Order from CABI Publishing. Book: 'Community-Based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in Developing Countries'. Editors: B van Koppen, M Giordano and J Butterworth, CABI Publication, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2007, Series Editor: David Molden, Volume 5, CABI publisher, ISBN: 978 1 84593 326 5. Order from CABI Publishing. Book: 'Irrigation Water Pricing The Gap Between Theory and Practice', CABI, 2007. Editors: F Molle and J Berkoff, CABI Publication, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2007, Series Editor: David Molden, Volume 4, CABI publisher, ISBN: 978 1 84593 292 3. Order from CABI Publishing. Book: 'The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution: Opportunities and Threats to Development', CABI, 2007. Editors: M Giordano and KG Vilholth, CABI Publication, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2007, Series Editor: David Molden, Volume 3, CABI publisher, ISBN: 978 1 84593 172 8. Order from CABI Publishing. Yield Gap Analysis of Sorghum and Pearl Millet in India using Simulation Modeling, Murty MVR, Piara Singh, SP Wani, IS Khairwal, K Srinivas. 2007. Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report No.37 CA Research Report No. 19, 2007. Adoption and impacts of zero tillage as a resource conserving technology in the irrigated plains of South Asia. Erenstein, O., U. Farooq, R. K. Malik, M. Sharif. (PDF 659KB) CA Research Report No. 18, 2007. Irrigated Agriculture, Water Pricing and Water Savings in the Lower Jordan River Basin (in Jordan). Jean-Philippe Venot, François Molle and Yousef Hassan (PDF 475KB) CA Research Report No. 17, 2007. Water Requirements of Floodplain Rivers and Fisheries: Existing Decision Support Tools and Pathways for Development. Arthington, A. H., E. Baran, C. A. Brown, P. Dugan, A. S. Halls, J. M. King, C. V. Minte-Vera, R. E. Tharme and R. L. Welcomme. (PDF 846KB) CA Discussion Paper 5 : 'Productivity of water in agriculture: Farmers’ perceptions and practices', 2007, H.F. Mahoo, Z.J. Mkoga, S.S. Kasele, H.E. Igbadun, N. Hatibu, K.P.C. Rao, B. Lankaford (PDF 449 KB) CA Discussion Paper 4 : 'Groundwater pollution and emerging environmental challenges of industrial effluent irrigation in Mettupalayam Taluk, Tamil Nadu', 2007, S. Mukherjee, P. Nelliyat (PDF 613 KB) Water Figures, May 2006 Issue 2. This issue of Water Figures (IWMI newsletter) devotes much space to the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture (CA) and the imminent launch of its findings after five years of intensive research and consultation. Download PDF(1.1 MB) CA publications can be downloaded from Publications, including the CA research reports 1-16, CA publications in partners' series, and the book, Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement (HTML Book Outline and Chapters).