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Meetings & Workshops

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This page presents all the past events that have been organised by the CA or in which CA has participated, as well as the actions taken for the synthesis preparation from 2005 and for research activities during 2001-2003. For information on the future events, please visit the CA calendar page.





Events & research

  • January - Presentation of groundwater findings at the International symposium on the sustainable use of groundwater (USGWAS) of the Interacademy Panel on International Issues (contact: Tushaar Shah, Groundwater Chapter, IWMI)
  • 31 January- National Workshop on Urban Wastewater: Livelihood, Health and Environmental Impacts in India, United Services Institution, New Delhi (contact: Mr Shashikant Chopde, Winrock Internationa, India)
  • 6-8 March 2006- WWF/PCARRD-organized hosted at IRRI (with FAO, PhilRice, ICRISAT) workshop “International Dialogue on Rice and Water: Exploring Options for Food Security and Sustainable Environment”. (review the findings of the CA chapter on Rice). For more, email: Bas Bouman, IRRI.
  • 7-10 March- International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development, Porto Alegre, Brazil; organized by FAO-SDA. For more:
  • 16-22 March- Fourth World water forum in Mexico, Mexico.   CA Session (Session FT4.37 )“Assessing livelihood and environmental synergies and trade-offs for water management in agriculture” on the 20 March 2006 at 14.15. (more about the Session to be available soon)
  • 20-31 March- Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Curitiba, Brazil. For more:
  • 13-19 May- IFAP 37th World Farmers’ Congress and 60th Anniversary Celebrations, Seoul, South Korea. Theme: 60 years of empowering farmers – for diversity, for sustainability, for health, for peace. For more:
  • 20-26 August-Stockholm Water Week. CA is organising a special session : from Assessment to actions. It is convened with the challenge program on water for Food (CPWF). The water-food-environment dilemna is further discussed in other sessions organised by CA and CP or their partners.
  • 4-7 September - 9th International River symposium, 'Managing rivers with climate change and expanding populations’: CA Session organised by Max Finlayson and David Molden. For further updates visit the website.
  • 10-15 September - The ICID host its 57th International Executive Council (IEC) along with numerous workshops at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Conference website:
  • 18-22 September - 2nd Regional Workshop on Agricultural Water Management (AWM) in Eastern and Southern Africa: "Water for the Millennium Development Goal on Poverty and Hunger", Maputo, Mozambique (Contact: Prof. Nuhu Hatibu). 
  • 25-27 September - International Workshop on Global Irrigated Area Mapping (GIAM), Colombo, Sri Lanka. (contact: Prasad S. Thenkabail,
  • 9-13 October 2006, 26th IRRC at International Rice Congress (IRC 2006): IRC 2006 will take place in New Delhi, India.  Congress website
  • 12-17 November 2006, International Forum on Water and Food: This event is organized by the Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) and will be held in Vientiane, Lao PDR, hosted by the Mekong River Commission (MRC). Download the entire background document on this Forum and call for abstracts [PDF 124Kb].

CA Synthesis Process

  • 9-10 January - Water Productivity Chapter Writing Team Meeting, FAO, Rome & Brainstorming with FAo experts (9 January at 4 pm)
  • 10 January - Brainstorming with FAO experts on the Land Chapter (3 pm)
  • 11-13 January - Summary for Decision Makers (SDM) Workshop at FAO in Rome, attended by CLAs to decide on a structure and the key messages for the SDM.
  • 16-17 January - Poverty Chapter Writing Team Meeting, FAO, Rome  & Brainstorming with FAO experts (16 January at 2 pm)
  • 31 January to 1 February- Rainfed Chapter Writing Team Meeting
  • February-Online Discussion on the minimum Agenda on gender mainstreaming in water management in agriculture.
  • 20 March- CA session at the World Water Forum-Mexico, Discussion of key messages.
  • 19-20-21 March-Focused discussions on the "minimum Agenda on gender mainstreaming in water management" at the Booth.
  • Mid February to end May: finalisation of Chapter drafts. Virtual meetings.
  • 13-15 september, Scenario chapter final writing meeting, Rome, Italy (hosted by FAO).



  • 16-28 January - International Workshop on African Water Laws: Plural Legislative Frameworks for Rural Water Management in Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa (contact: Barbara van Koppen, IWMI South Africa)
  • 22 February - Project Meeting - Water Resources, Livelihood Security and Stakeholder Initiatives in a River Basin Context, Coimbatore (contact: Prof. Jan Lundqvist, Linköping University)
  • 1-3 March - International Conference on Environment and Livelihoods in Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture-Fishery-Aquaculture Conflists, Bac Lieu, Vietnam (contact: Hoanh, Chu Thai (IWMI-Thailand)
  • 7-9 March - The East African Integrated River Basin Management Conference, Morogoro, Tanzania (contact: Henry Mahoo, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA))
  • 14–16 March - Developing Policy for more Effective Management of Water Resources  for Community Based Irrigation in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (contact: Don Peden, International Livestock Research Institute)
  • 15 March - Basin stakeholder workshop Guanajuato En La Cuenca Lerma Chapala. - Problemática Y Perspectivas, City of Guanajuato, State of Guanajuato. (contact: Flip Wester, Wageningen University)
  • 5-6 September - Basin stakeholder conference Programa Preeliminar De La Reunión: Problemas Socio-Ambientales Y Experiencias Organizativas En Las Cuencas De México (Alejandro León, University of Chile)
  • 7–8 September - Presentation of CA-Rice chapter at PAWEES 2005 International Conference on Management of Paddy and Water Environment for Sustainable Rice Production, Kyoto, Japan (contact: Bas Bouman, IRRI)
  • 10-18 September - CA session on water productivity, irrigation and future scenarios at the 19th ICID Congress on Use of Water and Land for Food and Environmental Sustainability, Beijing, China (contact: David Molden, CA Secretariat).
  • 26-28 October - Presentation of the irrigation chapter at the Regional Workshop on the future of large rice-based irrigation systems in South East Asia, FAO, Regional Office for Asia and Pacific, and Vietnam Institute for Water Resources Research, held at the Windsor Hotel, Saigon and funded by the Government of Japan (Contact: Hugh Turral, IWMI).
  • 11-12 November - CA posters at IWMI Annual Research Meeting in Sri Lanka
  • 8-15 November - CA presentation on 12.11 at the Conference of the Parties to the Ramsar Convention in Kampala, Uganda (contact: David Molden, CA Secretariat).
  • 28 November - 9 December, CA side-event on 5.12 at the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-11), Montreal, Canada (contact: Lisa Schipper, CA Secretariat)

CA Synthesis Process

  • 20-23 February - CA Chapter workshop on groundwater & thematic assessment book meeting, in Anand, India (contact: Tushaar Shah, IWMI-Anand)
  • 6-10 April - CA Coordinating Lead Authors' workshop, in Aleppo, Syria (contact: David Molden, CA Secretariat)
  • 8-10 April - CA Chapter workshop on rainfed agriculture & thematic assessment book meeting, in Aleppo, Syria (contact: Suhas Wani, ICRISAT)
  • 8-10 April - CA Chapter workshop on water productivity in agriculture, in Aleppo, Syria (contact: Theib Oweis, ICARDA)
  • 3-4 June - Working group on water pricing in agriculture, in Montpellier, France (preparation of a thematic assessment book) (contact: Francois Molle, IRD/IWMI)
  • 2-4 June - CA Chapter workshop on policies and institutions, in Montpellier, France (contact: Doug Merrey, IWMI)
  • 5-7 June - CA Chapter workshop on ecosystems, in Montpellier, France (contact: Michael Moore, SIWI)
  • 31 May - 2 June - CA Chapter workshop on poverty & gender, in Montpellier, France (contact: Gina Castillo, Novib)
  • 1-3 June - CA Chapter workshop on scenarios development (contact: Charlotte de Fraiture, IWMI)
  • 6-8 June - CA Chapter workshop on rice (contact: Bas Bouman, IRRI)
  • 6-8 June - CA Chapter workshop on irrigation, in Montpellier, France (contact: Jean-Marc Faures, FAO)
  • 6-8 June - CA Chapter workshop on land and water degradation, in Montpellier, France (contact: Deborah Bossio, IWMI)
  • 8-10 June - CA chapter workshop on marginal-quality water, in Montpellier, France (contact: Manzoor Qadir, ICARDA/IWMI)
  • 20-22 June - CA chapter workshop on fisheries, in London, UK (contact:Sugunan, WorldFish)
  • 3-5 July - CA chapter writing Team meeting on basins, in Udon,Thailand (Contact: Francois Molle, IRD/IWMI)
  • 26-30 September - CA synthesis integration workshop, Habarana, Sri Lanka (contact: Domitille Vallee, CA Secretariat).
  • 15 November through 15 December - CA book preparation: internal review of CA chapters of main assessment book



  • 15-21 August - Stockholm Water Week; CA session: International Initiatives on Water, Food and Environment; Thematic Sessions - River Basin Management for Food and the Environment: From Conflicting to Complementary Approaches; Assessing water for Aquatic Ecosystems; The Future of Rainfed Agriculture; Plenary Session - Future Prospects for Developing and Managing Water for Food (contact: David Molden, CA Secretariat)

CA Research

  • 17 February - CA project workshop: Inaugural function of the International Workshop on the Project Water Resources, Livelihood Security and Stakeholders Initiative in Bhavani Basin (contact: Prof. Jan Lundqvist, Linköping University)
  • 31 March to 1 April - CA project workshop on "Bright Spots": Reversing the Trends in Land and Water Degradation, held in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand (contact: Andrew Noble, IWMI-South-East Asia; Deborah Bossio, IWMI)
  • 26-30 April - CA project workshop for Program Inception on IWMI-BOKU-Siebersdorf Collaborative Study on the Impact of Irrigation Development on Poverty and the Environment, held in Ethiopia (contact: Seleshi Bekele, IWMI-Ethiopia)
  • 18 May - CA project Colloquium and Research Seminar: Water Savings, Farmers and Aquifers in the Lerma-Chapala Basin, Mexico (contact: Flip Wester, Wageningen University)
  • 28-29 June - CA project workshop on “Harnessing Salty Water to Enhance Sustainable Livelihoods of the Rural Poor in Four Countries in West Asia and North Africa: Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Tunisia”, held at ICBA, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (contact: John W. Stenhouse)
  • 3-4 September - CA project workshop: IWMI/ICID Scenario Development Orientation Workshop for India and China, Moscow, Russia (contact: Upali Amarasinghe, IWMI-India)
  • 16-17 September - CA project workshop: Public Participation Stakeholder Workshop to support the Development of a Catchment Management Plan for Stakeholders Affected by Artificial Flood Releases from the Dam, South Africa (contact: Joan Jaganyi, University of Natal)



  • 16-23 March -  CA Session: Can 'More Crop per Drop' Improve Food and Livelihood Security…and Protect Nature? at The 3rd World Water Forum, in Kyoto, Shiga and Osaka, Japan
  • 21-24 October - International Yellow River Forum held in Zhengzhou, China (CA Technical Sessions: Yellow River Basin Comprehensive Assessment; contact: Zhongping Zhu, IWMI, and Shang Hongqi, YRIF)

CA Research

  • 8-11 April - Productivity of Water in Agriculture and Interacting Systems (PWAIS) Inception Workshop held in Mbeya, Tanzania. (CA project workshop; contact: Henry Mahoo, Sokoine University)
  • 14-15 May - Project Planning Workshop on Community-based Irrigation Management in Ethiopia: Strategies to Enhance Human Health, Livestock and Crop Production, and Natural Resource Management, held at International Livestock Research Institute, Ethiopia (CA project workshop; contact: Don Peden, ILRI-Ethiopia)
  • 13-25 June - Integrated River Basin Management: A Negotiated Approach held in Pune, India (CA project workshop; contact: Vijay Paranjpye)
  • 2-3 July - Project Planning Workshop on Adoption and Impacts of Resource Conserving Technologies in the Irrigated Plains of South Asia, held in Lahore, Pakistan (CA project workshop; contact: O. Erenstein, CIMMYT)
  • 11-12 September - Project Inception and Planning Workshop on Water Scarcity and Food Security in Tropical Rainfed Water Scarcity Systems: A Multi-level Assessment of Existing Conditions, Response Options and Future Potentials, held at ICRISAT, Pantancheru, India (CA project workshop; contact: Suhas P. Wani, ICRISAT)
  • 10-13 October - River Basin Comparative Study, Inter-team workshop, held in Embilipitiya, Sri Lanka (CA project workshop; contact: Francois Molle, IWMI/IRD)


  • 11-17 August - CA session at the Stockholm Water Week in Sweden
  • 28 August to 2 September - CA session at the Waterdome, World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa


  • November - Water Week in Wadduwa, Sri Lanka (designing of the CA)