Press & media
The Comprehensive Assessment on Water Management in Agriculture presented findings, results and organised wide consultations in various international events from 2001. Listed below are the main media coverage of the past years. Progress of the CA is also communicated to the larger network involved through regular CA News Briefs |

- 13/11:
International Herald Tribune:
In China, a trickle down effect?
- 29/9: The Island: -
Minister insists on installing
Rain Water Harvesting System
- 18/9: Financial Times: -
World water shortages growing 20 years ahead of predictions
- 18/9: AlertNet -
World water demand surging due rising population
- 17/9: AlertNet - Water everywhere, but not clean enough to drink
- 17/9:
AlertNet - "Water Wars" loom? But none in past 4,500 years
- 14/9: AlertNet -
Thirsty world: Features package on water
- 13/9: New Scientist - Mega-dams back on the agenda
- 10/9: Center of Gravity
- The dubious value of public hearings
- 8/9: -
Want to conserve water? Fix your leaky pipes now
- 5/9: Oxford Analytica -
Thirst For Water Will Grow
- 31/8: Finance & Economics - Buckets, not big irrigation systems, can prevent the world running dry
- 28/8: Svenska Dagbladet - Varje droppe maste nyttjas
- 28/8: Svenska Dagbladet - Forskare hoppfulla om vattenkris
- 27/8: - Scientists Call for Radical Action to Ease Water Scarcity
- 24/8:
Toronto Star - Water, water not quite everywhere
- 26/8:
New Scientist - Catch every drop to fight world hunger
- 22/8: New York Times - Need for Water Could Double in 50 Years, U.N. Study Finds
- 22/8: Pelple's Daily online - To increase production from every drop is the key solution for water scarcity
- 22/8: - World must improve water use to feed itself, say scientists
- 22/8: Journal de l'Environnement - Vers une révolution bleue?
- 22/8:
Uno de cada tres habitantes del mundo es ya víctima de la escasez de agua
- 22/8: ILRI Web site -
Livestock production an effective use of water in developing countries - new study
- 21/8: BBC News -
Map details global water stress
- 21/8: Reuters - Food, biofuels could worsen water shortages-report
- 21/8: Financial Times - Water scarcity affects one in three
- 21/8: - Water, water everywhere?
- 21/8: Technology News - Radical Changes in Water Management Needed
- 21/8:
SciDev.Net - Study cites flood of solutions for water scarcity
- 21/8: Press Release - Scientists with Landmark Study Tracking 50 Years of Water Management Practices Call for Radical Action to Ease Water Scarcity [PDF 56Kb]
- 21/8: Press Release - A Third of the World Population Faces Water Scarcity Today [PDF 42Kb]
- 25/2: New Scientist - The Parched Planet by Fred Pearce. Focus on the groundwater use boom and its implications (key findings of CA Groundwater chapter)
- 26/1: ID21-Small-scale fishing: a range of livelihood benefits
for poor rural people (findings of research on impacts of irrigation on fisheries supported by CA)