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A Comparative Study of Modern Irrigation Water Systems and Rural Poverty in the Limarí Basin, Chile and the Tunuyán Basin, Argentina: Institutional and Socio-Economic Aspects

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The project aims at assessing the relative strength/weakness in poverty reduction of modern irrigation water systems publicly funded in their origin and the subsidy system in two selected water basins in Chile and Argentina, by establishing a set of metrics and identifying relevant institutional and socio-economic aspects. The timeframe covers 1980-2000.

Collaborators and Partners: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales y Recursos Naturales, University of Michigan, Centro Regional de Investigacion Intihuasi, National Institute for Agrarian Research (INIA), Instituto Argentino de Zonas Áridas (IADIZA)

Duration: 2004-2005

Project Proposal : [download word]

Papers presented at Workshops

Alejandro Leon, 2006. What will be the Impact of Climate Change on Cordillera Agriculture? Conference report on "Take Home Lessons," Climate Change: Organizing the Science for the American Cordillera (CONCORD), Mendoza, Argentina, 4-6 April.

Garay-Flühmann, R., L. Torres, E. Montaña, G. Pastor, R. Fuster, E. Abraham, A. León, E. Torres and M. Salomón. 2004. "De los números a las palabras... Triangulación metodológica en un proyecto de investigación comparativo en comunidades rurales de Chile y Argentina". IV Jornadas de Etnografía y Métodos Cualitativos, IDES. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ed. CD ISBN 987-21625-0-6. 25-27 August.

León, A. and R. Garay-Flühmann. 2005. Public Policy as a Means to Increase Human Security in Agriculture in a Drought-Prone Area of Northern Chile. International Workshop on Human Security and Climate Change, Oslo, Noruega, 21-23 June.

Fuster, Rodrigo, A. León and R. Garay-Flühmann. 2005. Limited access to water for smaller farmers in the water market in Chile. The Limarí Basin, a case study. 6th Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community. Universidad de Bonn, Bonn, Germany. 9-13 October.

León, A., R. Fuster and R. Garay-Flühmann. 2005. Policy effectiveness to foster adaptation to drier conditions in semi arid Chile. 6th Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community. Universidad de Bonn, Bonn, Germany. 9-13 October.

Torres. L., R. Garay-Flühmann, E. Montaña, G. Pastor, R. Fuster, E. Abraham, A. León and E. Torres. "Las encrucijadas cuantitativas y cualitativas en el análisis de procesos con dimensiones bio-geo-físicas y sociales. La comparación de dos cuencas hidrográficas en Chile y Argentina". 2005. Presented to Revista de Zonas Áridas, Universidad de La Molina, Lima,Perú.