The purpose of this project is to contribute to sustainable use of groundwater for livelihoods, food-security and environment by bringing groundwater governance issues to the center-stage of global discussions on water management. The project will be based on information and knowledge available from around the world; however the focus will be on Southern Asia and Africa, where groundwater irrigation faces by far the most profound opportunities and threats. Experiences will also be drawn from the middle income countries such as Iran and Mexico which have useful knowledge to offer to the developing world.
Collaborators: IWMI and national consultants
Duration: 2003 – 2004
Project Proposal [download - pdf]
Journal Articles
Ahmad, M.D., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, R.A. Feddes. 2005. A new technique to estimate net groundwater use across large irrigated areas by combining remote sensing and water balance approaches, Rechna Doab, Pakistan. Hydrogeology Journal, 13:653-664.
Giordano, Mark. 2005. Agricultural Groundwater Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: What do We Know, Where Should We Go? Water Policy 7, 613-626.
Giordano, Mark. 2005. What do we know about Agricultural Groundwater use in Africa? Hydrogeology Journal (forthcoming)
Shah, Tushaar, Mark Giordano and Jinxia Wang. 2004. Irrigation Institutions in a Dynamic Economy: What is China doing different than India? Economic and Political Weekly, July 31, 3452-3461.
Shah, Tushaar, Chris Scott, and Stephanie Buechler. 2004. Water sector reforms in Mexico: Lessons for India’s new water policy. Economic and Political Weekly, 39(4):361-370.
Shah, Tushaar. 2003. Governing the groundwater economy: Comparative analysis of national institutions and policies in South Asia, China and Mexico. Water Perspectives, 1:2-27.
Working Papers
Qureshi, Asad Sarwar, Tushaar Shah and Mujeeb Akhtar.2003. The Groundwater Economy of Pakistan. Working Paper 64. Lahore, Pakistan: International Water Management Institute.
Conference Proceedings
Ahmad, M.D., I. Masih, H. Turral. Role of unsaturated zone modelling for water balance and water productivity analysis: Examples from Rechna Doab, Pakistan. Symposium on Unsaturated Zone Modelling: Progress, Challenges and Applications, October 3 to 5, 2004, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Giordano, Mark and Seleshi Bekele. Agricultural Groundwater Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: Analysis and considerations for Ethiopia. Proceedings from the conference, ‘International Conference and Exhibition on Groundwater in Ethiopia: Providing Water for Millions’, held 26 May, 2004.
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