The overall goal of the project is to contribute to achievement of sustainable development of water for poverty alleviation and food security. The purpose of the proposed project is to assess the impact of water and food related policies on water scarcity, food production, food security, environment and livelihoods through the year 2025 at the global, regional, and local scale. This modeling exercise will provide objective and scientifically sound analyses of water-for-food related discussion issues that were raised during and after the World Water Vision meeting in The Hague. The modeling results will be a major contribution to the Dialogue for Water, Food and the Environment that was launched by a consortium of ten international institutes (including IWMI and IFPRI). The project will develop two linked and integrated models: a state-of-the-art research and analytical model to support the Dialogue, and a transparent and user-friendly model that allows interactive scenario testing with national and international policy makers to inform irrigation investment and water policy decisions.
Collaborators and partners: IFPRI and IWMI
De Fraiture Charlotte, Ximing Cai, Upali Amarasinghe, Mark Rosegrant, and David Molden, Does International Cereal Trade Save Water? The Impact of Virtual Water Trade on Global Water Use. CA Research Report 4, 2004
Cai, Ximing and Mark W Rosegrant, ‘World Water Productivity: Current Situation and Future Options’, Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement, Kijne JW, R Barker and DJ Molden (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 1, 163-178, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2003
De Fraiture, Charlotte, Ximing Cai, Mark Rosegrant, David Molden and Upali Amarasinghe, ‘Addressing the Unanswered Questions in Global Water Policy: A Methodology Framework’, Irrigation and Drainage 52: 21-30, 2003
De Fraiture, 'The use of Entropy Optimization Principles in Parameter Estimation: Applications to Global Water and Food Modeling. Ph.D. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Colorado,Department of Civil Environmental Architectural Engineering, Colorado, 165pp., 2003
Rosegrant MW and X Cai, ‘Global Water Demand and Supply Projections Part 2: Results and Prospects to 2025’, Water International 27 (2): 170-182, 2002
Rosegrant, MW, X Cai and S Cline, World Water and Food to 2025: Dealing with Scarcity, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC, 2002
Rosegrant MW, X Cai and SA Cline, Global Water Outlook to 2025: Averting an Impending Crisis, A Report Summary of the 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and the Environment Initiative, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC and International Water Management Institute, Colombo, 2002
For further information write to
ICID - Country Policy Support Studies
PODIUMSim – Model for National Level Water and Food Policy Dialogue Released
As part of the World Water Vision 2025, IWMI developed PODIUM- the Policy Dialogue Model ( in 1999.
PODIUM enables the users to develop national level scenarios of water and food supply and demand on various policy options. Though PODIUM was recognized as a useful tool for generating scenarios, some limitations were also identified. Inability to capture spatial variations, especially in large countries, was a major limitation in PODIUM. The revised version, named PODIUMSim addresses these limitations. PODIUMSim was developed in collaboration with International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage ( under Country Policy Support Studies (CPSP) program ( Under the CPSP program the revised model is being applied at the river-basin level in India and China.
Download your copy of PODIUMSim-India and PODIUMSim-China and the Brochure. For further details contact Noel Aloysius ( or Upali Amarasinghe (
Project Report
CPSP Report on Watersim for India
Amarasinghe, Upali A. PODIUMSIM, Country Policy Support Programme (CPSP) Report 10, 2005.
Amarasinghe, Upali A., Mark Giordano, Yongsong Liao, Zhongping Shu, Water Supply, Water Demand and Agricultural Water Scarcity in China: A Basin Approach, Country Policy Support Programme (CPSP) Report 11, 2005.
Amarasinghe, Upali A.,Bharat R. Sharma, Noel Aloysius, Christopher Scott, Vladimir Smakhtin, Charlotte de Fraiture, A.K. Sinha and A.K. Shukla. Spatial Variation in Water Supply and Demand across River Basins of India. IWMI Research Report 83, 2005
de Fraiture, Charlotte, WATERSIM, Country Policy Support Programme (CPSP) Report 12, 2005.
Proceedings of
IWMI / ICID Scenario Development Orientation
Workshop for India & China,
3 - 4 September 2004.
Moscow, Russia