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Institutional Innovations for Poverty Eradication: The South African Water Law, and Catchment Management Agencies

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This project aimed at assessing the global and local relevance and effectiveness of South African Catchment Management Agencies from a poverty perspective. This kind of contribution directly as a case study to the Comprehensive Assessment, adds to the global knowledge base on experiences of poverty and gender focused institutional innovations. This project is also expected to contribute to the design of future efforts that will identify and pilot-test design principles for river basin institutions that integrates equitable local water management institutions into higher tiers of the CMA up to basin-level.  This assessment will help fine-tune and test concepts and methodological guidelines on water management institutions that adequately capture poverty and gender dimensions, for basin-level water allocation analysis and decision-support.

As part of this project a specific study “Beyond Domestic: Case Studies on poverty and productive uses of water at the household level” is being carried out with the purpose of producing a book.  The purpose of this book is to present current evidence of how multi-purpose water supplies can help poor women and men to build sustainable livelihoods and fight poverty. The case studies of the book from Asia, Africa, and Latin America were originally presented at an International Symposium in Johannesburg in January 2003.

Collaborators:  IRC, NRI, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry South Africa, IWMI

Duration:  2002-2003 (One year)


Community-Based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in Developing Countries, ed. B van Koppen, M Giordano,  and J Butterworth, CABI Publication, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2007

Moriarty, Patrick, John Butterworth and Barbara van Koppen (eds.). Beyond Domestic: Case Studies on Poverty and Productive uses of Water at the Household Level, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Technical Paper Series 41, 2004

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