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An Assessment of the Adoption Dynamics, Impacts and Poverty Outreach of Selected Micro-irrigation Technologies

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The general objective of the study is to analyze the adoption dynamics, impacts and poverty outreach of selected micro-irrigation technologies in Maharashtra and Gujarat and derive research, development and policy implications. The specific objectives are to identify the determinants of micro-irrigation adoption and assess their quantitative impacts, the economics of the technologies. It also aims evaluate the poverty outreach of the technologies.  It will undertake assessments of the resources (water) conservation potential of the technologies, the role of women and men in the household regarding micro-irrigation technology adoption decisions and the gender differentiated impacts of micro-irrigation technology adoption.

Collaborators: IDE India, Development Economist and Management Consultant in Agri-business and Rural Development and IWMI

Duration: 2003-2004

Saleth R Maria, Regassa E Namara and M Samad, ‘Dynamics of Irrigation-Poverty Linkages in Rural India: Analytical Framework and Empirical Analysis’, Water Policy 5 (5/6): 459-473, 2003

Regassa Namara, R.K. Nagar and Bhawana Upadhyay, 2004. Drivers of Micro-Irrigation Adoption: Empirical results from selected villages of Gujarat and Maharashtra. Paper presented at the IWMI-Tata Partners' Workshop 2004: Critical Issues in India's Water Future.

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