Framing question: What policy and institutional frameworks are appropriate under various conditions for managing water to meet goals of food and environmental security?
A basic premise of this CA chapter is that getting the policies and institutional arrangements right is a necessary condition for achieving sustainable agricultural water management in the next two decades and beyond. Therefore coming up with practical innovative ways through which countries can prepare appropriate policies, and create and maintain the institutional arrangements needed to implement these policies is extremely important. Other chapters will identify the technical and managerial requirements for sustainable agricultural water management—this chapter will provide ways and means to implement them successfully.
This also means that development of the Policies and Institutions chapter must be an iterative process with the preparation of the other chapters of the CA Assessment Report
CA purpose: To convey the most important messages from the field of institutions & policies to the water, food & environment communities
A participatory writing process
The CA is designed as a learning process, engaging networks of stakeholders to produce knowledge synthesis. The chapter writing team favour a regular consultation while writing their synthesis chapter on policies and institutions.
- face to face brainstorming/writing workshop the 2 to 4 June in Montpellier, France gathering a 20 people expert group. read policy and institutions workshop summary report. -> finalise detailed annotated outline for the synthesis chapter, identification of evidences.
References and links
Irrigation Water Pricing Policies
A forthcoming book will take stocks on the use of pricing policies in the irrigation sector. It includes a synthesis chapter that maps the lessons learned in the light of experience and a collection of case studies from various countries around the world. Click here for more information