CA framing question: What is the extent and significance of use of low quality water in agriculture (saline and waste water) and what are the options for its use?
With decreasing water availability, low quality water is being increasingly used in agriculture. Its utilization provides new sources of water for higher food production in many areas. But its use could create environmental and health hazards.
CA purpose: To convey the most important messages on the use of low quality water to the water, food & environment communities.
A participatory writing process
The CA is designed as a learning process, engaging networks of stakeholders to produce knowledge synthesis. The chapter writing team favour a regular consultation while writing their synthesis chapter on irrigation.
The main output of the proposed chapter will be an assessment identifying the extent, significance, and strategies of using marginal-quality water in agriculture.
- [online discussion 25 May to 17 June 2005]. -> identification of key messages and preliminary outline.
- face to face brainstorming/writing workshop the 8 to 10 June in Montpellier, France gathering a 12 people chapter team. -> finalise detailed annotated outline for the synthesis chapter, identification of evidences.
Join the preparatory process of the low quality water chapter. Go to ca forum - low quality water chapter or contact
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References and links
- documents on low quality water
- useful links on low quality water
- Ca-project on urban waste water
- CA project_ Assessment of Waste water irrigation practices in selected cities of less developed regions. (PDF)