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Inland Fisheries and Agriculture

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This chapter discusses how capture fisheries and aquaculture contribute to water productivity. The writing team invites people interested to take part in the preparation of the chapter. Go to CA forum - fisheries.

Key messages

The analysis of capture fisheries and aquaculture systems can be distilled into four main messages:

1. fish and water productivity?

There is not enough recognition of the current and potential contribution of fish and fisheries (and other living aquatic resources) to water productivity

Background material:



Dugan, P.J., et al., 2002. The contribution of aquatic ecosystems and fisheries to food security and livelihoods: a research agenda

Published. Challenge Program on Water and Food Background paper 3, P 85- 113.  In, CGIAR, Challenge Program on Water and Food: Background papers to the Full Proposal. International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, 196p.

Bene, C and Neiland, A.,  2004. From participation to Governance, a critical review of governance, co-management.WorldFish-CP Publication

Under publication- manuscript available with Chris/Sugunan

CA Synthesis Document on Water Productivity


State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) FAO publication

Available at the

FAO Technical Circular 886 (revised), and 992

Published literature

FAO data

Available at FAO-Fishstat


2. Importance of water/flow management to sustain the ecosystem services and to support FISH contribution to water productivity

Background material:



Arthington et al., Water requirements of floodplain rivers and support tools…

Under publication by CA Manuscript available with Sugunan

Welcomme, R. L., et al., Water management and wise use of wetlands: enhancing water productivity

Under publication by Springer- Manuscript available with Sugunan

Welcomme et al., Predicting the water requirements of river fisheries

Under Publication by Springer- Manuscript available with Sugunan

Welcomme, R. L., Role of fisheries in improving water productivity in rivers and floodplains

CP review - under publication Manuscript available with Sugunan

Welcomme , R. L., Review of Ramsar sites and fisheries maintenance

Manuscript available with Sugunan

Water to 2020

IFPRI/IWMI Publication

LARS 2 papers


Nilsson C, Reidy C. A., Dynesius, M and Revenga C., 2005 Science 308: 405-408



3. There is a growing volume of successful experience, though most are limited to specific locations, and major gaps in knowledge and capacity remain.

Background material:



Kolding . J and Zwieten P., 2004.  Improving productivity in tropical lakes and reservoirs

CP review under publication- Manuscript available with Sugunan

Brummett, R. Role of aquaculture in increasing water productivity

CP Review under publication- Manuscript available with Sugunan

Sena de Silva 2000. Reservoir and Culture-based fisheries: Biology and management Proc. of an International Workshop held in Bangkok Thailand 15-18 February 2000

Published. ACIAR publication # 98 384 pp

NACA/FAO 2001. Aquaculture in the third millennium

Published by NACA and FAO 471 pp

Dugan, P. J et al., Fisheries and water productivity in tropical river basins : enhancing food security and livelihoods by managing water for fish

Under publication in Agricultural Water Management- Manuscript available with Sugunan

Marmulla, G. 2001 Dams, fish and fisheries. FAO Tech paper # 419


FAO Tech. Circular # 886 (rev) and 942


Fish to 2020



4. If the full potential of those experiences is to be realized and applied more widely, new valuation techniques, investment approaches and governance arrangements are required.

  • Research and technical support still needed for IAA
  • Urgent need for more comprehensive valuation techniques that integrate all the different dimensions of aquatic resources contribution to water productivity
  • Appropriate framework for investment in fish contribution to water productivity (private, public partnership, privatization of extension services, Feed formulation policy in aquaculture, etc
  • New governance approaches for water management from local to basin levels (devolution, decentralization, co-management, IWRM experiences)
  • Much more concrete action and policy support for prevention and management of climate variability, climate change (e.g. sea level change) and natural disaster and their impact on coastal (fishing) communities (e.g. Tsunami) (Cross cutting issues with Chapters on Scenarios and  climate change)

Background material:



From Bene, C and Neiland, A 2004. From participation to Governance, a critical review of governance, co-management.WorldFish-CP Publication

Under publication by CP- Manuscript available with Chris/Sugunan

CA Synthesis Document on Water Productivity

Under publication- Available with David Molden (?)

CA Review on Valuation

Under Publication by CA - Manuscript available with (Patrick ?)

Prein, M., 2002. Integration of aquaculture into crop-animal systems in Asia

Published. Agricultural Systems 71, 127 - 146

Dey, M. M., and Prein, M., 2004. Feasibility of community-based fish culture in seasonally flooded rice fields in Bangladesh and Vietnam

Under Publication in: Aquaculture Economics and Management (forthcoming) Manuscript with Madan

Dey, M. M. , Kambewa, P., Jamu, D., Paraguas, P., and Prein, M. 2004. Impact of development and dissemination of integrated aquaculture-agriculture technologies in Malawi.

WorldFish Report: Report to the Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA) of the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The World Fish Center, Penang, Malaysia

Renwick M. E. 2001. Valuing water in irrigated agriculture and reservoir fisheries: a multi-use irrigation system in Sri Lanka

IWMI Publication: Research Report 51, International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka