The Comprehensive assessment can be summarized as a four fold effort.
- a credible and robust assessment that will act as a key reference and guide for the worlds policy makers, investors, resource managers and practitioners in relation to water management. This technical assessment will be a volume of 300 to 350 pages-box2-, answering to the 10 questions raised by the scientific community-box 1- synthesizing the joint CA research with other knowledge and experience –traditional and practical-. It draws from CA research reports, and books, and any other material available. An overview of 30 pages will draw out key messages from the assessment targeted at policy makers and investors. The material will also be used for policy briefs, training material, and other communication and outreach material aimed at a variety of audiences.
- bringing together of diverse stakeholders- experts from different continents, disciplines, institutions- to share their knowledge and view of key issues. To answer to the 10 critical questions, they will overcome debates and identify disagreements, needs for actions or research. Therefore, it is a wealth of knowledge implicit and explicit through a wide range of publications and communications materials.
- A thorough scientific and water management stakeholder review;
- A participatory process that generates ideas and interests, create ownership and disseminates results. It is a laboratory for the scientific community to get involved in decision making processes and involving decision makers in questioning and problem solving.
In addition to a unique process around a common product, the following additional outcomes are expected:
- A unique set of information on Water-agriculture-environment problems, challenges and solutions widely communicated and grounded on a research-based reference library containing peer-reviewed reports, journal articles, assessment books and a packaged body of information on water resources in agriculture, including tools & resources (dataset of new analyses, maps and statistics on irrigated, rain fed agriculture, natural ecosystems…)
- New and improved conceptual and analytical water management tools –Participatory assessment tools and scenario development tools that planners can use to support their rural development decisions.
- Innovative water-management solutions. Analysis of promising local water management approaches and practices to understand which ones are successful, and why for the purpose of a wider dissemination.
- Future water scenarios defined and explored.
- Capacity built to undertake assessments (NARES, PHD and MSC students involved): The CA supports capacity build-up of all involved in the process through hands on experience and knowledge sharing.
- A set of well targeted research themes in the field of water for food (support the Challenge program on water for food).
The CA should be delivered as a book in October 2006, but earlier an overview for policy makers will be discussed at the WWF4 in Mexico in March 2006 and delivered at Stockholm water symposium in August 2006. In addition, series of thematic assessment books, research reports, issues and policy briefs as well as detailed research documents will be produced along 2005 and 2006.