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Contributed Documents on Irrigation

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The Politics and Economics of Water Resource Development: the Case of the Walawe River Basin, Sri Lanka, Molle, François, Renwick, M., 2005, IWMI Research Report No. 87 (PDF)

Integrating Fisheries into Irrigation Planning and Management, IWMI/GWP Water Policy briefing, Issue No. 12 (PDF)

Macro Policies and Investment Priorities for Irrigated Agriculture in Vietnam, Randolph Barker, Claudia Ringler, Nguyen Minh Tien and Mark Rosegrant, Research Report No. 6, 2005 (PDF)

Adaptative, Participatory and Integrated Assessment (APIA) of the Impacts of Irrigation on Fisheries. Evaluation of the approach in Sri Lanka. Sophie Nguyen Khoa, Laurence Smith and Kai Lorenzen, IWMI Working Paper No. 89 (PDF)

Impact of Agricultural Water Conservation on Water Availability, WLC, Clemmens A.J. and Allen R.G., 2005 (PDF)

Reducing Poverty Through Integrated Management of Ground Water and Surface Water, Water Policy Brief Issue No. 13 (PDF)

IWMI/ADB Final Synthesis Report, Pro-Poor Intervention Strategies in Irrigated Agriculture in ASIA (PDF)

The Impact of Irrigation on Poverty (draft) Michael Lipton and Julie Litchfield
with Rachel Blackman, Darshini De Zoysa, Lubina Qureshy & Hugh Waddington.
Poverty Research Unit at University of Sussex, UK (PDF)

Overcoming Water Scarcity and Quality Constraints, Edited by Ruth S. Meinzen-Dick and Mark W. Rosegrant, IFPRI (HTML) (PDF - 897kb)

Economic Valuation of Water Resources in Agriculture, Kerry Turner, Stavros Georgiou, Rebecca Clark, Roy Brouwer, Jacob Burke, FAO Water Report No. 27 (HTML)

World agriculture - towards 2015/2030, an FAO perspective (HTML and PDF, individual chapters)

Reclaiming Drainage - Towards an Integrated Approach, Safwat Abdel-Dayam, Jan Hoevenaars, Peter P. Mollinga, Waltina Scheumann, Roel Slootweg, Frank van Steenbergen (PDF - 492kb)

Economic Evaluation: Why is it so Often Unsatisfactory? Berkoff, J., paper prepared for ICEA Meeting, June 2002 (Word - 188kb)

A Critical Look at the Irrigation Sector, Berkoff, J., paper presented at the World Bank Water Week on 4 March 2003, (Word)