Summary for Policymakers [30 pp.] – Developed by Coordinating Lead Authors of the Assessment. –
1. Introduction [5 pp.] – This chapter sets the scene and introduces the context of the assessment.
2. Conceptual Framework [15 pp.] –
Writing Team: David Molden, IWMI/CA Coordinator; Max Finlayson, IWMI; Habiba Gitay, Independent Consultant; Jean-Marc Faurès, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); Domitille Vallee, IWMI/CA; Lisa Schipper, IWMI/CA.
3. Benefits, Costs and Challenges of Managing Water for Agriculture [20 pp.]
(list to be finalised)
4. Investment Options for the Future [25 pp.] –
Writing Team: Charlotte de Fraiture, IWMI; Dennis Wichelns, Rivers Institute; Johan Rockström, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI); Annette Huber Lee, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI); and Jippe Hoogeveen, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Contributors: All thematic chapters writing teams
5. Water for Food to Fight Poverty [20 pp.] –
Writing Team: Gina Castillo, NOVIB (Oxfam Netherlands); Regassa Namara, IWMI; Maliha H. Hussein, Independent Consultant and Danielle Hirsch, Both Ends; Helle Munk Ravnborg, Danish Institute for International Studies; and Laurence Smith, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London.
6. Policy and Institutional Reform Processes for Sustainable Agricultural Water Management: The Art of the Possible [20 pp.] –
Writing Team: Douglas J. Merrey, IWMI; Ruth Meinzen-Dick, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); Peter P. Mollinga, Center for Development Research (ZEF); and Eiman Karar, Water Research Commission (WRC).
7. Agriculture, Water and Ecosystems: Avoiding the Costs of Going Too Far [20 pp.] –
Writing Team: Malin Falkenmark, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI); Max Finlayson, IWMI; and Line Gordon, IWMI.
8. Pathways to Improving Water Productivity [15 pp.] –
Writing Team: Theib Oweis, International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA); Jacob Kijne, Independent Consultant; David Molden, IWMI; and Pasquale Steduto, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
9. Managing water in rainfed agriculture –
Writing Team: Johan Rockström, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI); Nuhu Hatibu, SWMNet-Nairobi; Theib Oweis, International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA); and Suhas Wani, International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).
10. Re-inventing Irrigation –
Writing Team: Jean-Marc Faurès, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); Mark Svendsen, US Society for Irrigation and Drainage Professionals; and Hugh Turral, IWMI.
11. Groundwater Use in Agriculture: A Global Assessment of Scale and Significance for Food, Livelihoods and Nature –
Writing Team: Tushaar Shah, IWMI; Karen Villholth, IWMI; and Jacob Burke, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
12. Agricultural Use of Marginal-quality Water Resources Presents Opportunities and Challenges –
Writing Team: Manzoor Qadir, IWMI/ICARDA; Liqa Raschid-Sally, IWMI; and Dennis Wichelns, Rivers Institute.
13. Inland Fisheries, Aquaculture and Water Productivity
Writing Team: P. Dugan, WorldFish; V. V. Sugunan, WorldFish; R. L. Welcomme, Independent Consultant; C. Bene, WorldFish; and R. E. Brummett.
14. Integrating Water and Livestock Development
Writing Team: Don Peden, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI); Girma Tadesse, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI); and A. K. Mishra, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture.
15. Rice: Feeding the Billions While Providing Unique Ecosystem Services
Writing Team: B. A. M. Bouman, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI); R. Barker, Independent Consultant; E. Humphreys, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO); and T. P. Tuong, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).
16. Conserving Land—Protecting Water
Writing Team: Deborah Bossio, IWMI; William Critchley, CIS-Centre for International Cooperation; Kim Geheb, Mekong River Commission; Godert van Lynden, ISRIC – World Soil Information; and Bancy Mati, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
17. River Basin Development and Management
Writing Team: François Molle, IWMI; Philippus Wester, Wageningen University; and Phil Hirsch, Sydney University.
The CA chapters are written by Co-ordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors and Contributing Authors who have contributed ideas, examples, references or other information. Each chapter goes through two rounds of peer review before it is finalised. The complete list of contributors will be included in the final book.