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Abdullaev, Iskandar and David Molden, Spatial and Temporal Variability of Water Productivity in the Syr Darya Basin, Central Asia. Water Resources Research, Vol.40, W08S02, 2004

Accounting of Agricultural and Nonagricultural Impacts of Irrigation and Drainage Systems. A Report of Research in Taiwan and Sri Lanka in 2003 . IWMI Working Paper 68, 2004

Adhikary, SN, Impact Assessment of Irrigation Management Transfer Program in Nepal West Gandak Irrigation System, MSc Thesis submitted to the Department of Water Engineering at the Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Delft, 2002

Ahmad, MD, WGM Bastiaanssen, RA Feddes.  A New Technique to Estimate Net Groundwater use Across Large Irrigated Areas by Combining Remote Sensing and Water Balance Approaches, Rechna Doab, Pakistan. Hydrogeology Journal, 13: 653-664, 2005.

Ahmad, MD, I Masih, H Turral.  Role of unsaturated zone modelling for water balance and water productivity analysis: Examples from Rechna Doab, Pakistan. Symposium on Unsaturated Zone Modelling: Progress, Challenges and Applications, October 3 to 5, 2004, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Allan JA, ‘Rural economic transitions: groundwater use in the Middle East and its environmental consequences, in The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution: Opportunities and Threats to Development, Giordano, M and KG Villholth (eds), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 3,  63-78, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2007

Amarasinghe, Upali A, PODIUMSIM, Country Policy Support Programme (CPSP) Report 10, 2005.

Amarasinghe, Upali A, Mark Giordano, Yongsong Liao, Zhongping Shu, Water Supply, Water Demand and Agricultural Water Scarcity in China: A Basin Approach, Country Policy Support Programme (CPSP) Report 11, 2005

Amarasinghe, Upali A., Bharat R Sharma, Noel Aloysius, Christopher Scott, Vladimir Smakhtin, Charlotte de Fraiture, A.K. Sinha and A.K. Shukla. Spatial Variation in Water Supply and Demand across River Basins of India. IWMI Research Report 83, 2005

Amede, Tilahun, Katrien Descheemaeker, Don Peden and Andre van Rooyen.   Harnessing benefits from improved livestock water productivity in crop–livestock systems of sub-Saharan Africa: synthesis. The Rangeland Journal 31(2) 169–178, 2009

Arthington, A. H., E. Baran, C. A. Brown, P. Dugan, A. S. Halls, J. M. King, C. V. Minte-Vera, R. E. Tharme and R. L. Welcomme. Water Requirements of Floodplain Rivers and Fisheries: Existing Decision Support Tools and Pathways for Development. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institue. 74pp, 2008 (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Research Report 17)

Asrat, Michael Don Peden, Yilma Jobre, Girma Tadesse, Getachew Abebe, and Taye Gidyelew. Evaluation of Spatial Distribution of fasciola hepatica and Faciola gigantica using geographic information system (GIS) in the Nile River Basin, Ethiopia Ethiop.Vet.J.,11(2),41-57, 2007

Asrat, Michael, Beyene Petros, Yilma Jobre, Don Peden, Yoseph Shiferaw, Girma Taddesse and Mulugeta Mamo. Infection prevalence of ovine fasciolosis in small-scale irrigation schemes along the Upper Awash River Basin. Ethiopian Veterinary Journal. 9(1), 19-27, 2005

Asrat, Michael , Beyene Petros, Yilma Jobre, Don Peden, Yoseph Shiferaw, Girma Taddesse and Mulugeta Mamo. Effects of strategic flukicidal (triclabendazole) treatment in naturally Fasciola infected sheep: A case study in Wolemera District, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Veterinary Journal. 9 (2), 39-50, 2005

Atesmachew B.H, Girma Taddesse,, Don Peden and G. Yasin,  Application of GIS for classification of production system and determination of grazing pressure in Upland of the Awash River Basin, Ethiopian Veterinary Journal.  Volume: 10, No. 1.  ISSN: 1683-6324. 2006

Atesmachew, Bizuwerk , Girma Taddesse, Kai Sonder, Don Peden and Yilma Jobre. Comparative Assessment of Forage and Livestock Density in Tekeze River Basin. Ethiopian Veterrinary Journal. Volume: 10, No. 2.  ISSN: 1683-632, 2006

Atapattu, S and D Molden. ' Achieving Food and Environmental Security: Better River Basin Management for Healthy Coastal Zones', Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture- Fishery-Aquaculture Conflicts, Hoanh CT, TP Tuong, JW Gowing and B Hardy (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 2, 293-302, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2006

Ballester M, V Reyes and Y Astorga, ‘Groundwater in Central America: Its Importance, Development and Use, with Particular Reference to its Role in Irrigated Agriculture,’ in The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution: Opportunities and Threats to Development, Giordano,  M and KG Villholth (eds), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 3,  100-128, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2007

Baran, E, T Jantunen, Phnom Penh and P Chheng, 'Developing a Consultative Bayesian Model for Integrated Management of Aquatic Resources: an Inland Coastal Zone Case Study', Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture- Fishery-Aquaculture Conflicts, Hoanh CT, TP Tuong, JW Gowing and B Hardy (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 2, 206-218, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2006

Barbier, EB, 'Mangrove Dependency and the Livelihoods of Coastal Communities in Thailand', Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture- Fishery-Aquaculture Conflicts, Hoanh CT, TP Tuong, JW Gowing and B Hardy (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 2, 126-139, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2006

Barker, Randolph, Claudia Ringler, Nguyen Minh Tien and Mark Rosegrant, Macro Policies and Investment Priorities for Irrigated Agriculture in Vietnam. CA Research Report 6, 2005

Barker, Randolph and François Molle, Evolution of Irrigation in South and Southeast Asia. CA Research Report 5, 2004

Barker, R, D Dawe and A Inocencio, ‘Economics of Water Productivity in Managing Water for Agriculture’, Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement, Kijne JW, R Barker and DJ Molden (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 1, 19-35, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2003

Barker, Randolph and François Molle,  Perspectives on Asian Irrigation. Asian Irrigation in Transition - Responding to Challenges. Shivakoti, GP, DL Vermillion, Wai-Fung Lam, E Ostrom, U Pradhan, R Yorder (eds), p.45-78, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2005

Barker, Randolph and François Molle, Perspectives on Asian Irrigation, paper presented at the Conference on Asian Irrigation in Transition – Responding to the Challenges Ahead,  Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand, 22-23 April 2002

Bastiaanssen, Wim, Mobin-ud-Din Ahmad and Zubair Tahir, ‘Upscaling Water Productivity in Irrigated Agriculture Using Remote-Sensing and GIS Technologies’, Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement, Kijne JW, R Barker and DJ Molden (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 1, 289-300, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2003

Belder, P, BAM Bouman, JHJ Spiertz. Exploring options for water savings in lowland
rice using a modelling approach. Agricultural Systems 92, 91–114, 2007

Belder, P, BAM Bouman, J H J Spiertz, S B Peng, A R Castañeda, R Visperas, Crop Performance and Nitrogen use in Flooded and Aerobic Rice. Plant and Soil, 273: 167-182, 2005

Belder, P, JHJ Spiertz, BAM Bouman, Lu Guoan, TP Tuong, Nitrogen Economy and Water Productivity of Lowland Rice Under Water-Saving Irrigation. Field Crops Research 93, 169-185, 2005.

Belder P, BAM Bouman, R. Cabangon, Guoan Lu , EJP Quilang, Yuanhua Li, JHJ Spiertz, TP Tuong. Effect of water-saving irrigation on rice yield and water use in typical lowland conditions in Asia. Agricultural Water Management, 65: 193-210, 2004

Ben, Mechlia N, Oweis T, Masmoudi M, Khatteli H, Ouessar M, Sghaier N, Anane M and Sghaier M. Assessment of Supplemental Irrigation and Water Harvesting potential – Methodologies and Case Studies from Tunisia. 2009. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. Iv, 36p, 2009.

Bennett, John, ‘Opportunities for Increasing Water Productivity of CGIAR Crops through Plan Breeding and Molecular Biology’, Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement, Kijne JW, R Barker and DJ Molden (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 1, 103-126, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2003

Berbel, J, J. Calatrava and A. Garrido. Water Pricing and Irrigation: A Review of the European Experience, Irrigation Water Pricing the Gap Between Theory and Practice, Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 4, 295-327, CABI Publications, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2007.

Bhattarai M, R Barker and A Narayanamoorthy. Who Benefits From Irrigation Development in India? Implication of Irrigation Multipliers for Irrigation Financing. Irrigation and Drainage 56: 207–225, 2007

Bhatia VS, Piara Singh, SP Wani, AVR Kesava Rao and K Srinivas, Yield Gap Analysis of Soybean, Groundnut, Pigeonpea and Chickpea in India Using Simulation Modeling. Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report No.31, 2006

Bhattarai, Madhusudan , Dhruba Pant and David Molden. Socio-economics and hydrological impacts of melamchi intersectoral and interbasin water transfer project, Nepal. Water Policy 7, 163-180, 2005

Bhattarai, Madhusudan and Michael Hamming, Governance, economic policy, and the environmental Kuznets curve for natural tropical forests, Environmental and Development Economics 9: 367-382, 2004

Bhattarai, Madhusudan and A Narayanmoorthy, ‘Impact of Irrigation on Rural Poverty in India: An Aggregate Panel-data Analysis’, Water Policy 5 (5/6): 443-458, 2003

Bhattarai, Madhusudan, Randolph Barker and A Narayanamoorthy, Who Benefits from Irrigation Development in India? Implications of Irrigation Multipliers for Cost Recovery and Irrigation Financing, proceedings of the ICID Asian Regional Workshop, Taipei, 10-12 November 2003, Vol 1, 285-296

Bhattarai, Madhusudan and A Narayanamoorthy, Impact of Irrigation  on Agricultural Growth and Poverty Alleviation: Macro Level Impact Analyses in India, paper presented at the IWMI-Tata workshop in Anand, Gujarat, 27-29 January 2003

Bhattarai, Madhusudan and A Narayanamoorthy, Irrigation and other Factors Contribution to the Agricultural Growth and Development in India: A Cross-State Panel Data Analysis for 1970 to 94, paper presented at the IWMI-Tata workshop in Anand, Gujarat, 27-29 January 2003

Bhattarai, Madhusudan, Whether Irrigation has started to become a Nuisance Commodity: Relationaship between Irrigation and Income Growth using Cross-Country Analysis, a selected paper presented at the International Conference on Irrigation Water Policies: Micro and Macro Considerations, jointly organized by World Bank and Government of Morocco, Agadir, Morocco, 15-17 June 2002

Bhattarai Madhusudan and Michael Hammig, Governance, Economic Policy and the Environment Kuznets Curve for Natural Tropical Forest, selected paper presented at the Second World Congress of Environmental Economics, California, USA, June 2002

Bin, Dong, Liang Zhichen, Ronald Loeve, David Molden and Yang Baozhong, Rice Impact in Henan Irrigation Districts along the Lower Yellow River Reaches, proceedings of the 1st International Yellow River Forum on River Basin Management held in Zhengzhou, China, 12-15 May 2003, Vol II, pp 105-113

Blümmel, M, M Samad, O P Singh and T Amede. Opportunities and limitations of food–feed crops for livestock feeding and implications for livestock–water productivity. The Rangeland Journal 31(2) 195–205, 2009

Boisvert, RN, Chang HH. 2006. Multifunctional Agricultural Policy, Reduced Domestic Support, and Liberalized Trade: An Empirical Assessment for Taiwanese Rice. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute. 44p. (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Research Report 14)

Boisvert, Richard N, and David Blandford.  Multifunctionality and Non-trade Concerns: Implications for Future Agricultural Policy in Asia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Paddy and Water Environment for Sustainable Rice Production (PAWEES), 7-8 September 2005 in Kyoto, Japan. p.46-51.

Boisvert, R, H Chang, R Barker, G Levine, Y Matsuno and D Molden, Refining the Positive and Negative Externalities of Taiwanese Paddy Rice Production, paper presented at the ICID Conference in Taiwan, November 2003

Boisvert, R, H Chang, R Barker, G Levine, Y Matsuno and D Molden, Water Productivity in Agriculture: measuring the positive and negative externalities of paddy rice production, proceedings of sessions on ‘Agriculture, Food and Water’, the 3rd World Water Forum (WWF3) held 19-20 March 2003, Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan

Boling, AA, BAM Bouman, TP Tuong, MVR Murty, SY Jatmiko. Modelling the effect of groundwater depth on yield-increasing interventions in rainfed lowland rice in Central Java, Indonesia. Agricultural Systems 92, 115–139, 2007

BothEnds. Effective gender mainstreaming in water management for sustainable livelihoods: From guidelines to practice, BothEnds Working paper series, December 2006

Bossio, Deborah.  Livestock and water: understanding the context based on the ‘Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture’.  The Rangeland Journal 31(2) 179–186, 2009


Bossio, Deborah, W Critchley, K Geheb, G Van Lynden, B Mati, P Bhushan, J Hellin, G Jacks, A Kolff, F Nachtergaele, C Neely, D Peden, J Rubiano, G Shepherd, Christian Valentin, M Walsh. 2007. Conserving land, protecting water. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.551-583.

Bouma, Jetske A and Christopher A Scott. 'The Possibilities for Dryland Crop Yield Improvement in India's Semi-arid Regions-Observations from the Field'. CA Discussion Paper 3, 2006.

Bouman, B, R Barker, E Humphreys, TP Tuong, G Atlin, J Bennett, D Dawe, K Dittert, A Dobermann, T Facon, N Fujimoto, R Gupta, S Haefele, Y Hosen, A Ismail, A.; D Johnson, S  Johnson, S Khan, L Shan, Ilyas Masih, Y Matsuno, S Pandey, S Peng, T Muthukumarisami, T Wassman, R. 2007. Rice: Feeding the billions. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.515-549.

Bouman, BAM, Feng Liping, Tuong, TP, Lu Guoan, Wang Huaqi, Feng Yuehua. 2006. Exploring options to grow rice under water-short conditions in northern China using a modelling approach. II: Quantifying yield, water balance components, and water productivity. Agircultural Water Management (forthcoming)

Bouman, BAM, S Peng, AR Castañeda, RM Visperas, Yield and water use of tropical aerobic rice systems in the Philippines. Agricultural Water Management 72(2) 87-105, 2005

Bouman, BAM, H Hengsdijk, B Hardy, PS Bindraban, TP Tuong and JK Ladha (eds), Water-wise Rice Production, International Rice Research Institute, 2002

Bowen, Walter T, ‘Water Productivity and Potato Cultivation’, Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement, Kijne JW, R Barker and DJ Molden (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 1, 229-238, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2003

Brugere, C, 'Can Integrated Coastal Management Solve Agriculture-Fisheries-Aquaculture Conflicts at the Land-Water Interface? A Perspective from New Institutional Economics', Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture- Fishery-Aquaculture Conflicts, Hoanh CT, TP Tuong, JW Gowing and B Hardy (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 2, 258-273, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2006

Cabangon, R, G Lu, TP Tuong, BAM Bouman, Y Feng and Zhang Zhichuan, Irrigation Management Effects on Yield and Water Productivity of Inbred and Aerobic Rice Varieties in Kaifeng, proceedings of the 1st International Yellow River Forum on River Basin Management held in Zhengzhou, China, 12-15 May 2003, Vol II, pp 65-75.

Cai, X, C de Fraiture and M Hejazi.  Retrieve Irrigated and Rainfed Crop Data Using a General Maximum Entropy Approach. Irrigation Science 25: 325-338, 2007

Cai, Ximing and Mark W Rosegrant, ‘World Water Productivity: Current Situation and Future Options’, Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement, Kijne JW, R Barker and DJ Molden (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 1, 163-178, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2003

Cai, Ximing and Mark W Rosegrant, Optional Water Development Strategies for the Yellow River Basin: Balancing Agricultural and Ecological Water Demands, Proceedings of the 1st International Yellow River Forum on River Basin Management held in Zhengzhou, China, 12-15 May 2003, Vol II, pp 125-138

Cai, X and MW Rosegrant, ‘Global Water Demand and Supply Projection Part 1: A Modeling Approach’, Water International 27 (2): 159-169, 2002

Campbell, J, E Whittingham and P Townsley, 'Responding to Coastal Poverty: Should We Be Doing Things Differently or Doing Different Things?' Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture- Fishery-Aquaculture Conflicts, Hoanh CT, TP Tuong, JW Gowing and B Hardy (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 2, 274-292, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2006

Canisius, Francis XJ, Hugh Turral, Fusion Technique to Extract Detail Information from Moderate Resolution Data for Global Scale Image Map Production, proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment held in Honolulu, Hawai on 10-14 Nov 2003

Castañeda, AR, BAM Bouman, S Peng and RM Visperas, Aerobic rice in the Tropics and its Impact on Water Productivity. In: proceedings of the International Symposium on Transitions in Agriculture for Enhancing Water Productivity, 23-25 September, 2003, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp.71-88, 2005

Castañeda, AR, BAM Bouman, S Peng and RM Visperas, Testing of Aerobic Rice in the Philippines: Results of Field Experiments at IRRI. Philippine Agricultural Mechanization Bulletin, UPLB, Los Banos, Philippines, pp 24-35, 2004

Castañeda, AR, BAM Bouman, S Peng and RM Visperas, 2005. Aerobic Rice in the Tropics and its Impact on Water Productivity. In: proceedings of the International Symposium on Transitions in Agriculture for Enhancing Water Productivity, 23-25 September, 2003, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp.71-88

Castillo, GE, Regassa Namara, HM Ravnborg, AH Munir, L Smith, MH Hussein, C Bene, S Cook, D Hirsch, P Polak, Domitille Valee, Barbara van Koppen. 2007. Reversing the flow: Agricultural water management pathways for poverty reduction. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.149-191.

Chang, Hung-Hao,  Richard N, Boisvert,  David Blandford, Achieving Environmental Objectives Under Reduced Domestic Agricultural Support and Trade Liberalization: An Empirical Application to Taiwan Agricultural and Resource Economics Review,  Apr 2005

Chemin, Yann, Evapotranspiration of Crops by Remote Sensing Using the Energy Balance Based Algorithms, proceedings of the 1st Yellow River Forum on River Basin Management held in Zhengzhou, China, 12-15 May 2003, Vo. II, pp 76-86.

Choudhury, BU, BAM Bouman, AK Singh. Yield and water productivity of rice–wheat on
raised beds at New Delhi, India. Field Crops Research 100, 229–239, 2007

Choudhury, BU, Anil Kumar Singh and BAM Bouman, Effect of establishment techniques on crop-water relationship in rice and yield of wheat. In: proceedings of the International Symposium on Transitions in Agriculture for Enhancing Water Productivity, 23-25 September, 2003, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp.19-38, 2005

Chuc, NT, Piara Singh, K Srinivas, A Ramakrishna, NT Chinh, NV Thang, SP Wani and TD Long, Yield Gap Analysis of Major Rainfed Crops of Northern Vietnam Using Simulation Modeling, Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report No.26, 2006

Comprehensive Assessment. 2007. Summary for decisionmakers, in: D. Molden (Ed.) Water for Food, Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture London, UK; Colombo, Sri Lanka: Earthscan; IWMI. 40p.

Cormier-Salem, MC, 'Mangrove: Changes and Conflicts in Claimed Ownership, Uses and Purposes', Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture- Fishery-Aquaculture Conflicts, Hoanh CT, TP Tuong, JW Gowing and B Hardy (eds.), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 2, 163-176, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2006

Courcier, R, JP Venot and François Molle. Historical Transformations of the Lower Jordan River Basin:  Changes in Water Use and Projections (1950 – 2025). CA Research Report 9, 2005

De Fraiture, C and CJ Perry, Why Is Agricultural Water Demand Unresponsive at Low Price Ranges? Irrigation Water Pricing the Gap Between Theory and Practice, Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 4, 94-107, CABI Publications, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2007.

De Fraiture, C. Integrated water and food analysis at the global and basin level. An application of WATERSIM. Water Resources Management  21: 185-198, 2007

De Fraiture, Charlotte, Wichelns, D, Rockstrom, J, Kemp-Benedict, E, Eriyagama, Nishadi, Gordon, L.J, Munir, AH, Hoogeveen, J, Huber-Lee, A, Karlberg, L. Looking Ahead To 2050: Scenarios Of Alternative Investment Approaches. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water For Food, Water For Life: A Comprehensive Assessment Of Water Management In Agriculture. London, Uk: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: Iwmi. Pp.91-145, 2007

De Fraiture Charlotte, Ximing Cai, Upali Amarasinghe, Mark Rosegrant, and David Molden, Does International Cereal Trade Save Water? The Impact of Virtual Water Trade on Global Water Use. CA Research Report 4, 2004

De Fraiture, Charlotte, WATERSIM, , Country Policy Support Programme (CPSP) Report 12, 2005.

De Fraiture, Charlotte, Ximing Cai, Mark Rosegrant, David Molden and Upali Amarasinghe, ‘Addressing the Unanswered Questions in Global Water Policy: A Methodology Framework’, Irrigation and Drainage 52: 21-30, 2003

De Fraiture, 'The use of Entropy Optimization Principles in Parameter Estimation: Applications to Global Water and Food Modeling. Ph.D. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Colorado,Department of Civil Environmental Architectural Engineering, Colorado, 165pp., 2003

De Fraiture, C and C Perry, Why is the Irrigation Water Demand Curve Inelastic at Low Price Ranges? Paper presented at International Conference on Irrigation Water Policies: Micro and Macro Considerations, jointly organized by World Bank and Government of Morocco, Agadir, Morocco, 15-17 June 2002

De Pauw E, T Oweis, J Youssef, Integrating Expert Knowledge in GIS to Locale Biophysical Potential for Water Harvesting: Methodology and a Case Study for Syria. 2008. [Insufficient resolution for printing]

De Pauw E, T Oweis, B Nseir, J Youssef, Spatial Modeling of the Biophysical Potential for Supplemental Irrigation: A Case Study in Syria. 2008. [Insufficient resolution for printing]

de Vries, FWT Penning, H Acquay, D Molden, SJ Scherr, C Valentin and O Cofie,
Integrated Land and Water Management for Food and Environmental Security. CA Research Report 1, 2003

D’Silva E, SP Wani, B Nagnath, The Making of New Powerguda: Community Empowerment and New Technologies Transform a Problem Village in Andhra Pradesh, Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report No.11, 2004

Droogers, Peter, Global Irrigated Area Mapping: Overview and recommendations, IWMI Working Paper 36, 2002

Dugan, P, VV Sugunan, RL Welcomme, C Bene, RE Brummett, MCM Beveridge, Kofi Abban, Upali Amerasinghe, A Arthington, Marco Blixt, S Chimatiro, P Katiha, J King, J Kolding, Sophie Nguyen Khoa, J Turpie. 2007. Inland Fisheries And Aquaculture. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water For Food, Water For Life: A Comprehensive Assessment Of Water Management In Agriculture. London, Uk: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: Iwmi. Pp.459-483.

Erenstein, O.; Farooq, U.; Malik, R. K.; Sharif, M. 2007. Adoption and impacts of zero tillage as a resource conserving technology in the irrigated plains of South Asia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institue. 55p. (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Research Report 19)

Falkenmark, M, Max Finlayson, LJ Gordon, EM Bennett, TM Chiuta, D Coates, N Ghosh, M Gopalakrishnan, RS De Groot, G Jacks, E Kendy, L Oyebande, M Moore, GD Peterson, JM Portuguez, K Seesink, Rebecca Tharme, R Wasson. 2007. Agriculture, water, and ecosystems: Avoiding the costs of going too far. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.233-277.

Faures, JM, M Svendsen, Hugh Turral, J Berkhoff, M Bhattarai, AM Caliz, S Darghouth, MR Doukkali, M El-Kady, T Facon, M Gopalakrishnan, D Groenfeldt, Chu Thai Hoanh, I Hussain, JY Jamin, F Konradsen, A Leon, A, R Meinzen-Dick, K Miller, M Mirza,  C Ringler, L Schipper, A Senzanje, G Tadesse, Rebacca Tharme, P Van Hofwegen, R Wahaj, C Varela-Ortega, R Yoder, G Zhanyi. Reinventing irrigation. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.353-394, 2007

Ensink, Jeroen HJ, Tariq Mahmood, Wim van der Hoek, Liqa Raschid-Sally and Felix P Amerasinghe.  A nationwide assessment of wastewater use in Pakistan: an obscure activity or a vitally important one?  Water Policy 6, 197-206, 2004 

Fischer G, H van Velthuizen, E Hizsnyik and D Wiberg. Potentially Obtainable Yields in the Semi-Arid Tropics.  Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report no. 54, 2009

Fontenelle, JP, F Molle and H Turral, Who Will Pay for Water? The Vietnamese State’s Dilemma of Decentralization of Water Management in the Red River Delta, Irrigation Water Pricing the Gap Between Theory and Practice, Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 4, 165-191, CABI Publications, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2007.

Fontenelle, Jean Philippe and François Molle, The Intricacies of Water Pricing in the Red River Delta, Vietnam, paper presented in the International Conference on Irrigation Water Policies: Micro and Macro Considerations, jointly organized by World Bank and Government of Morocco, Agadir, Morocco, 15-17 June 2002

Fuster, Rodrigo, A León and R Garay-Flühmann. Limited access to water for smaller farmers in the water market in Chile. The Limarí Basin, a case study. 6th Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community. Universidad de Bonn, Bonn, Germany. 9-13 October, 2005

Garay-Flühmann, R, L Torres, E Montaña, G Pastor, R Fuster, E Abraham, A León, E Torres and M. Salomón. 2004. "De los números a las palabras... Triangulación metodológica en un proyecto de investigación comparativo en comunidades rurales de Chile y Argentina". IV Jornadas de Etnografía y Métodos Cualitativos, IDES. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ed., August, 2004

Galbraith, Hector , Priyanie Amerasinghe and Annette Huber-Lee, The Effects of Agricultural Irrigation on Wetland Ecosystems in Developing Countries: A Literature Review, CA Discussion Paper 1, 2005

Giordano M and K G Villholth, The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution: Setting the stage’, The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution, in The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution: Opportunities and Threats to Development, Giordano,  M and KG Villholth (eds), Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series, No. 3,  1-4, CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and Cambridge MA USA, 2007

Gidyelew, Taye, Girma Taddese, Yilma Jobre, Atesmachew Bizuwerk, Michael Asrat, Yasin Getahun and Getachew Abebe. Application of GIS in Assessing Land Degradation and Livestock feed Availability in the Blue Nile basin. Ethiopian Veterinary Journal, 11(2), 175-185, 2007

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Zhu, Zhongping, Mark Giordano, Ximing Cai, David Molden (IWMI); Hong Shangchi, Zhang Huiyan, Lian Yu, Li Huain, Zhang Xuecheng, Zhang Xinghai, Xue Yunpeng (Yellow River Conservancy Commission), Yellow River Comprehensive Assessment: Basin Features and Issues, IWMI Working Paper 57, 2003

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