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Abdullaev, Iskandar and David Molden. 'Spatial and Temporal Variability of Water Productivity in the Syr Darya Basin, Central Asia'. Water Resources Research, Vol.40, W08S02, 2004

Ahmad, MD, WGM Bastiaanssen and RA Feddes.  'A New Technique to Estimate Net Groundwater use Across Large Irrigated Areas by Combining Remote Sensing and Water Balance Approaches, Rechna Doab, Pakistan'. Hydrogeology Journal, 13: 653-664, 2005.

Asrat, Michael, Don Peden, Yilma Jobre, Girma Tadesse, Getachew Abebe, and Taye Gidyelew.2007. Evaluation of Spatial Distribution of fasciola hepatica and Faciola gigantica using geographic information system (GIS) in the Nile River Basin, Ethiopia Ethiopian Veterinary Journal, 11(2),41-57

Asrat, Michael, Beyene Petros, Yilma Jobre, Don Peden, Yoseph Shiferaw, Girma Taddesse and Mulugeta Mamo. 'Infection Prevalence of Ovine Fasciolosis in Small-scale Irrigation Schemes along the Upper Awash River Basin'. Ethiopian Veterinary Journal. 9(1), 19-27, 2005

Asrat, Michael, Beyene Petros, Yilma Jobre, Don Peden, Yoseph Shiferaw, Girma Taddesse and Mulugeta Mamo. 'Effects of Strategic Flukicidal (triclabendazole) Treatment in Naturally Fasciola Infected Sheep: A Case Study in Wolemera District, Ethiopia'. Ethiopian Veterinary Journal. 9 (2), 39-50, 2005

Atesmachew, B.H, Girma Taddesse,, Don Peden and G. Yasin,  Application of GIS for classification of production system and determination of grazing pressure in Upland of the Awash River Basin, Ethiopian Veterinary Journal.  Volume: 10, No. 1.  ISSN: 1683-6324. 2006

Atesmachew, Bizuwerk , Girma Taddesse, Kai Sonder, Don Peden and Yilma Jobre. Comparative Assessment of Forage and Livestock Density in Tekeze River Basin. Ethiopian Veterrinary Journal. Volume: 10, No. 2.  ISSN: 1683-632, 2006

Barker, Randolph and François Molle.  'Perspectives on Asian Irrigation. Asian Irrigation in Transition - Responding to Challenges'. In Shivakoti, G. P.; Vermillion, D. L.; Lam, W. F.; Ostrom, E.; Pradhan, U.; Yoder, R. (eds.) Asian irrigation in transition: Responding to challenges, p.45-78, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2005

Belder, P, BAM Bouman, JHJ Spiertz. Exploring options for water savings in lowland
rice using a modelling approach. Agricultural Systems 92, 91–114, 2007

Belder, P, BAM Bouman, JHJ Spiertz, SB Peng, AR Castañeda and R Visperas. 'Crop Performance and Nitrogen use in Flooded and Aerobic Rice'. Plant and Soil, 273: 167-182, 2005

Belder, P, JHJ Spiertz, BAM Bouman, Lu Guoan and TP Tuong. 'Nitrogen Economy and Water Productivity of Lowland Rice Under Water-Saving Irrigation'. Field Crops Research 93, 169-185, 2005.

Belder P, BAM Bouman, R Cabangon, Guoan Lu , EJP Quilang, Yuanhua Li, JHJ Spiertz and TP Tuong. 'Effect of Water-Saving Irrigation on Rice Yield and Water use in Typical Lowland Conditions in Asia'. Agricultural Water Management, 65: 193-210, 2004

Bhattarai M, R Barker and A Narayanamoorthy. Who Benefits From Irrigation Development in India? Implication of Irrigation Multipliers for Irrigation Financing. Irrigation and Drainage 56: 207–225, 2007

Bhattarai, Madhusudan , Dhruba Pant and David Molden. ' Socio-economics and Hydrological Impacts of Melamchi Intersectoral and Interbasin Water Transfer Project, Nepal'. Water Policy 7, 163-180, 2005

Bhattarai, Madhusudan and Michael Hamming. 'Governance, Economic Policy, and the Environmental Kuznets Curve for Natural Tropical Forests'. Environmental and Development Economics 9: 367-382, 2004

Bhattarai, Madhusudan and Narayanmoorthy, 'Impact of Irrigation on Rural Poverty in India: An Aggregate Panel-data Analysis', Water Policy 5 (5.6): 443-458, 2003

Boling, AA, BAM Bouman, TP Tuong, MVR Murty, SY Jatmiko. Modelling the effect of groundwater depth on yield-increasing interventions in rainfed lowland rice in Central Java, Indonesia. Agricultural Systems 92, 115–139, 2007

Bouman, BAM, Feng Liping, Tuong, TP, Lu Guoan, Wang Huaqi, Feng Yuehua, 'Exploring Options to Grow Rice Under Water-short Conditions in Northern China Using a Modelling Approach. II: Quantifying Yield, Water Balance Components, and Water Productivity'. Agricultural Water Management, 2006

Bouman, BAM, S Peng, AR Castañeda and RM Visperas, 'Yield and Water use of Tropical Aerobic Rice Systems in the Philippines'. Agricultural Water Management 72(2) 87-105, 2005

Cai, X., C. de Fraiture and M. Hejazi. Retrieve Irrigated and Rainfed Crop Data Using a General Maximum Entropy Approach. Irrigation Science 25: 325-338, 2007

Cai, X and MW Rosegrant, ‘Global Water Demand and Supply Projection Part 1: A Modeling Approach’, Water International 27 (2): 159-169, 2002

Chang, Hung-Hao, Richard N, Boisvert and  David Blandford. 'Achieving Environmental Objectives Under Reduced Domestic Agricultural Support and Trade Liberalization: An Empirical Application to Taiwan' Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, April 2005

Choudhury, BU, BAM Bouman, AK Singh. Yield and water productivity of rice–wheat on
raised beds at New Delhi, India. Field Crops Research 100, 229–239, 2007

Fraiture, C. de. Integrated water and food analysis at the global and basin level. An application of WATERSIM. Water Resources Management  21: 185-198, 2007

Fraiture, Charlotte de, Ximing Cai, Mark Rosegrant, David Molden and Upali Amarasinghe, ‘Addressing the Unanswered Questions in Global Water Policy: A Methodology Framework’, Irrigation and Drainage 52: 21-30, 2003

Ensink, Jeroen HJ, Tariq Mahmood, Wim van der Hoek, Liqa Raschid-Sally and Felix P. Amerasinghe. 'A Nationwide Assessment of Wastewater use in Pakistan: An Obscure Activity or a Vitally Important One?' Water Policy 6, 197-206, 2004

Gidyelew, Taye, Girma Taddese, Yilma Jobre, Atesmachew Bizuwerk, Michael Asrat, Yasin Getahun and Getachew Abebe.2007. Application of GIS in Assessing Land Degradation and Livestock feed Availability in the Blue Nile basin. Ethiopian Veterinary Journal, 11(2), 175-185

Giordano, Mark. 'Agricultural Groundwater Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: What do We Know, Where Should we Go?' Water Policy 7, 613-626, 2005

Hoanh, CT, TP. Tuong, KM. Gallop, JW Gowing, SP Kam, NT Khiem and ND Phong. 'Livelihood Impacts of Water Policy Changes: Evidence from a Coastal Area of the Mekong River Delta', Water Policy 5 (5/6): 475-488, 2003

Kamara, A and H Sally. 'Water Management Options for Food Security in South Africa: Scenarios, Simulations and Policy Implications'. Development Southern Africa, Vol.21, No.2 June, 2004

Liao, Y.  M. Giordano, C. de Fraiture. An empirical analysis of the impacts of irrigation pricing reforms in China. Water Policy 9(S1): 45–60, 2007

Liping, Feng, Bouman, BAM, Tuong, TP, Cabangon, RJ, Li Yalong , Lu Guoan, Feng
Yuehua. 'Exploring Options to Grow Rice Under Water-short Conditions in Northern
China Using a Modelling Approach. I: Field Experiments and Model Evaluation', Agricultural Water Management 2006

Molle, F.; Hoogesteger, J.; Mamanpoush, A. 2007. Macro and Micro-Level Impacts of Droughts: The case of the Zayandeh Rud River Basin, Iran. Irrigation and Drainage 57: 1-9.

Molle, F. 2007. Scales and Power in River Basins Management: The Chao Phraya River in Thailand. The Geographical Journal 173(4).

Molle, François and Peter Mollinga. 'Water Poverty Indicators: Conceptual Problems and Policy Issues'. Water Policy 5 (5/6): 529-544, 2003

Narayanamoorthy, A. Does Groundwater Irrigation Reduce Rural Poverty? Evidence from Indian States. Irrigation and Drainage, 56: 349–362, 2007

Rosegrant MW and X Cai. ‘Global Water Demand and Supply Projections Part 2: Results and Prospects to 2025’. Water International 27 (2): 170-182, 2002

Saleth R Maria, Regassa E Namara and M Samad. 'Dynamics of Irrigation-Poverty Linkages in Rural India: Analytical Framework and Empirical Analysis'. Water Policy 5 (5/6): 459-473, 2003

Saleth R Maria, M Samad, D Molden and I Hussain. ‘Water, Poverty and Gender: An Overview of Issues and Policies’. Water Policy 5 (5/6): 385-398, 2003

Schreiner, Barbara and Barbara van Koppen, ‘Policy and Law for Addressing Poverty, Race and Gender in the Water Sector: The Case of South Africa’. Water Policy 5 (5/6): 489-501, 2003

Schreiner, Barbara and Barbara van Koppen, ‘Catchment Management Agencies for Poverty Eradication in South Africa’. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 27: 969-976, Elsevier Publishers, Devon, 2002

Shah, Tushaar, Mark Giordano and Jinxia Wang. 'Irrigation Institutions in a Dynamic Economy: What is China doing different than India?' Economic and Political Weekly. July 31, 2004, 3452-3461

Shah, Tushaar, Chris Scott, and Stephanie Buechler. 'Water Sector Reforms in Mexico: Lessons for India’s New Water Policy'. Economic and Political Weekly, 39(4):361-370, 2004

Shah, Tushaar. 'Governing the Groundwater Economy: Comparative Analysis of NationalInstitutions and Policies in South Asia, China and Mexico'. Water Perspectives, 1:2-27, 2003

Smakhtin, Vladimir, Carmen Revenga and Petra Döll. 'A Pilot Global Assessment of Environmental Water Requirements and Scarcity'. Water International, Vol. 29 (3), 307–317, 2004

Smith, Laurence, S. Nguyen Khoa and K. Lorenzen, 'Livelihood Functions of Inland Fisheries: Policy Implications in Developing Countries'. Water Policy 7, 2005, 359-383.

Taddesse, Girma, Don Peden,Wagnew Ayalneh and Yilma Jobre.2007 Imapct of Grazing on Soil Physical Properties in the East African Highlands. Ethiopian Veterinary Journal,11(2),163-173

Taddese,  Girma, Don Peden, Asfaw Hailemariam, Yilma Jobre and Wagnew Ayalneh.2007.Effect of livestock grazing on soil microorganisms of cracking and self mulching vertisol. Ethiopian Veterinary Journal, 11(1), 141-150

Thenkabail, PS, M Schull and H Turral. 'Ganges and Indus River Basin Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) and Irrigated Area Mapping Using Continuous Streams of MODIS Data', Remote Sensing of Environment 95, 317-341, 2005

Tuong, TP, Bouman BAM and M Mortimer. 'More Rice, Less Water – Integrated Approaches for Increasing Water Productivity in Irrigated Rice-based Systems in Asia'. Plant Production Sciences, 8 (3): 229-239, 2005

Yang Xiaoguang, BAM Bouman, Wang Huaqi, Wang Zhimin, Zhao Junfang, and Chen Bin. 'Performance of Temperate Aerobic Rice under Different Water Regimes in North China'. Agricultural Water Management, 74 (2): 107-122, 2005

Yang Xiaoguang, BAM.Bouman, Wang Huaqi, Wang Zhimin, Zhao Junfang, and Chen Bin. 'Water-use Efficiency of Aerobic Rice in North China Plain'. Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol 54, October 2003, Supplement 1.

Yang Jie and Yang Xiaoguang. 'Research Progression on Characteristics of Water Expend and Water use Efficiency of Aerobic Rice'. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 11 (4), 2003

Zhao Jufang, Yang Xiaoguang, Wang Zhimi, Wang Huaqi, BAM Bouman and Chen Bin. 'Study on the Water use Efficiency of Upland rice in Different Water Treatment, Chinese'. Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 11 (4), 2003

Zhao Jufang, Yang Xiaoguang, Wang Zhimi, Wang Huaqi and BAM Bouman. 'Effect of Different Irrigation Treatments on Root System and Water use Efficiency of Aerobic Rice'. Agricultural Meteorology, Vol. 4, 2004

Zhu Zhongping, Mark Giordano, Ziming Cai and David Molden. 'The Yellow River Basin: Water Accounting, Water Accounts, and Current Issues'. Water International, 29 (1): 2-10, 2004