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Map Download Area for Research Report No. 2: Smakhtin et al (2004)

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This page is set up in response to a large number of requests for the reproduction of original figures from Comprehensive Assessment study on global environmental water assessment. The original figures may be downloaded using the hyperlinks below on the condition that:

1. The source is duly acknowledged in any such subsequent reproduction/modification of the maps. The source should be cited as:

SMAKHTIN, V.U., REVENGA, C., DÖLL, P. (2004) Taking into account environmental water requirements in global-scale water resources assessments. Research Report of the CGIAR Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. No. 2, International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 24 pp

2. The information on where/how the map(s) will be reproduced/modified is sent to


Map 1: A global distribution of estimated total EWR, which would be required to maintain freshwater-dependent ecosystems in fair condition.

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Map 2: A map of water stress indicator (WSI) which takes into account EWR (water withdrawals as the proportion of the balance of mean annual river flow and EWR)

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Map 3: A map of the traditional water stress indicator (water withdrawals as the proportion of the mean annual river runoff)

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