This activity includes time for Claudia Ringler to, among other activities, 1) Participate in management team meetings, and meetings and outreach related to WLE 2) Review annual reports from the MRV flagship as well as workplans for MRV 3) Contribute to the WLE Annual Report 4) Contribute to the WLE phase II proposal 5) Develop a document on how the ESSR framework is reflected in MRV research 6) Ensure that the MRV flagship research directly relates and supports WLE IDOs, SRF IDOs and SRF sub-IDOs, contributing to related documentation and monitoring elements 7) Ensure that the projects in the MRV flagship directly relate to the MRV flagship goals 8) Contribute to WLE blog pieces and the WLE website This activity also includes co-financing for those bilateral or window 3 WLE projects that do not support the IFPRI overhead rate, or only allow for partial overhead of some positions.