Consolidates research/engagement across several initiatives, on profitability, feasibility, sustainability of AWLM for smallholder farming. Informs investors on where/how/when AWM technologies can work. The ALWM project funding under WLE continues to support identified gaps in farmer led irrigation projects and strongly builds on the ongoing work under the extension phase of Innovation Laboratory for Small Scale Irrigation (ILSSI), the IWMI-TATA Partnership (ITP), the recently funded project by SDC and Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) and the recently acquired GIZ project in India. The work under WLE aims at providing guidelines and tools for the private and public sector to sustainably out/upscale water lifting technologies and water solution packages as a bundle.
In 2020 and 2021 IWMI will use the scaling pathway for FLI under ILSSI with private sector and adapt these to identify scaling opportunities for suitable AWM solutions (irrigation and SWC) through public-private partnerships in 2 other African countries. Special emphasis will be given to ensuring that the scaling pathways is inclusive of women and youth. IWMI under WLE will initiate a solar review in 2020 to be completed in 2021 drawing on a review in Africa and Asia. The information available to establish a geodatabase on FLI for Ethiopia and Ghana was insufficient in 2019. In 2020 the scope is adapted by identifying changes in FLI irrigation using RS. Ministries, donors, private sector entities have requested access to the spatial information to guide investments in farmer-led irrigation.