ProjectJanuary 01, 2015 — January 01, 2018Identification and dissemination of Integrated Soil Fertility Management recommendations for the sustainable intensification of root crop-based systems within farming landscapes
ProjectJanuary 01, 2015 — December 01, 2016Reinvesting in soil quality: the basis for long-term gains in productivity and ecosystem services in East, West and Southern Africa
ProjectJanuary 01, 2014 — December 01, 2016Gender responsive tools for improving irrigation performance
ProjectJanuary 01, 2014 — December 31, 2015Ecological footprint of food security: irrigated and rainfed areas in Asia and Africa
ProjectJune 01, 2015 — May 01, 2016Understanding the impacts of in-field water conservation technologies on productivity and risk in rainfed cropping systems at field and catchment scales in the two basins; Nile and Niger
ProjectJanuary 01, 2015 — December 01, 2016Facilitating watershed management in Yewol Watershed of the Nile Basin, Ethiopia and Angonia-Moatize transect of Zambezi Basin, Mozambique for Improved Food Security and Ecosystem Services
ProjectJanuary 01, 2015 — December 01, 2016Explore transitioning options for sustainable management of common property resources for enhancing eco-system services - comparative watershed studies from East Africa and South Asia
ProjectJanuary 01, 2014 — December 01, 2015Institutional Development in Small Transboundary Catchments: Deriving Lessons & Supporting Progress