PC Mulugeta Ayene / WLE

Opportunities for researchers: June 2019

Below are some opportunities for researchers working on sustainable agriculture issues, including grants, workshops and journal calls etc.

Through the Thrive Network for Sustainable Agriculture Researchers, we are providing opportunities – our own and collated – through email and social media. Please join to find out about upcoming grants, events and resources, and share your info:

>> ThriveNet Facebookfacebook.com/groups/thrivenet

>> ThriveNet LinkedIn: linkedin.com/groups/10364007

ThriveNet aims to provide research support, connect researchers with each other and with media and decision-makers, and share opportunities for WLE researchers and beyond. We hope it helps you communicate, so please feel free to post or contact us.


ThriveNet led a recent journalist story lab with WLE partners CIAT and IWMI. The event aimed to boost local media's understand of Ethiopia's food future and land restoration efforts. See the first stories here: Land restoration bringing food security to Ethiopia: Afro FM

Opportunities: curated for ThriveNet Researchers, June 2019

(WLE/Thrive is not responsible for management of these unless specified)


  • CS Fund and Warsh-Mott Legacy:  This fund is giving out grants to organizations and projects focused on Emerging Technologies, Food Sovereignty and Rights and Governance. Recent grants include several for Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. Most grants are under US$20 thousand. Letters of inquiry can be sent at any time.
  • Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize 2020: Call for Nominations for outstanding contributions made by individuals or organizations towards solving the world’s water challenges by developing or applying innovative technologies, policies or programs which benefit humanity. Nominations due by June 14, 2019. 

  • General Fellowship: Bioversity International collaborates with students (MSc and PhD) and working professionals from developed and developing countries to carry out thesis or other research that contributes to our mission to deliver scientific evidence, management practices and policy options to use and safeguard agricultural biodiversity. Ongoing application.

  • Earth Journalism Network 2019 Reporting Fellowships to the UNCCD COP14: Indian and African Journalists can apply to report from the UN Convention to Combat Desertification COP 14 in New Delhi, India. The deadline for sending applications is June 23, 2019 at 5pm IST. 

  • Call for scholarship applications: South Afrian-German Center for Development Research opens new call for applications for Master (MA Development Studies and MA Public Administration) and PhD scholarships (PhD in Development Studies and PhD in Public Administration) for the intake 2020. Application due June, 30 2019.

  • NBC Conservation Fund Grant: The Neotropical Bird Club awards grants of $1,500, $3,000 and $5,000 (US dollars) for conservation work or research that has an intended conservation benefits.  Applications assessed twice yearly, with deadlines on January 1 and July 1. 

  • Challenge Fund Developing an Agricultural Risk Financing Tool for Southern Africa: The World Bank is seeking innovators to design a tool that can support public finance decisions based on an integrated approach for the management of agriculture sector risks. Application closes June 17, 2019. 

  • U.S. Department of State Grant for International Shared Waters Cooperation: A grant for up to USD 690 thousand will be awarded for a multi-donor partnership mechanism to support cooperation on shared waters. Applicants may be non-profit organizations or institutions of higher education. Applications to be submitted by July 8, 2019. 

  • Global Impact Challenge, SingularityU MENA: Open call to entrepreneurs, leaders, scientists, and engineers with the most innovative ideas for innovations and startups that can positively impact the lives of people living in MENA region. Thematic areas include sustainable energy, climate secure agriculture, among others. Application deadline is 07 June 2019. 


  • Sustainable Water Future Programme (Water Future): Program accepting abstracts for upcoming conference in Bengaluru, India 24th – 27th September 2019.
  • Submissions open for a special issue in Water Security: This special issue will include meta-reviews of water-related adaptation interventions in the various water use sub-sectors. Abstracts are due by July 14th, 2019. 
  • Call for Papers: Everyday Life and Environmental Change: Connections, Dynamics and Entanglements, University of Reading, UK, 19-20 September 2019. Abstracts (250 words) due by June 24, 2019. 
  • Agri4D Conference: PhD and Master students, researchers, senior scientists and experts are encouraged to submit abstracts about their research, programs, innovations, networks, or projects for poster session at the Agricultural Research for Development Conference, Agri4D, to take place at SLU, Uppsala on 25-26 September 2019.
  • Call for papers: Upcoming symposium on Paradigms, Models, Scenarios and Practices for more Sustainability by the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity. Abstracts are invited in English or French. The closing date for submissions is 30 June 2019.
  • Call for abstracts: The Water Security and Climate Change Conference will be held in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 28 - 30 October 2019, for water experts working on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Submissions are due 21 June 2019. 
  • Call for papers: the 5th Rural Development Conference will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract submissions on issues related to rural development are to be submitted by 15 June 2019 deadline. 
  • Call for proposals for Mozambique by FAO- EU FLEGT Program: All eligible applicants from government institutions, civil society, communities, indigenous groups and private sector organizations in Mozambique are invited to submit proposals to the FAO-EU FLEGT Program. The deadline for submissions is the 8th of June, 2018.
  • Call for papers: 6th International Conference on Agriculture 2019 (AGRICO 2019) to be held 22 -23 August 2019 in Bangkok Thailand invites leading agriculturists, university professors, policy makers, industry experts, stakeholders and young professionals to submit abstracts under the theme “Protective Farming and Sustainable Management”. Submissions are due 13 June 2019. 
  • Workshop for journalists across Africa: Reporting Rural Poverty and Agricultural Development. Dates: 05 September 08 September. Workshop to be held in Kigali, Rwanda. 
  • Tropentag 2019 seeking student reporters: The application is open to students affiliated to a European university with great interest in the Tropentag topic of Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources development. Applications are due July 1, 2019. 
  • Webinar on Making trees count : Measurement, reporting and verification of agroforestry-based carbon with the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security on Tuesday, June 25 at 9am EDT, Washington DC. (8am Bogota, 4pm Nairobi, 8pm Hanoi). 

  • Writing workshop:  Five day writing workshop aims to counter asymmetries in knowledge production in Africa and to contribute to endogenous knowledge production in the humanities and social sciences by scholars based in West Africa (ECOWAS member countries). Workshop to take place September 9 to 13, 2019 at the University of Ghana, Accra. Applicants due 25 June 2019. 

  • Intensive winter school course by the Climate Systems Analysis Group (CSAG): The University of Cape Town in July 2019 will host a course run by facilitators from CSAG and other institutions focused on topics related to climate and climate change. CSAG offers partial sponsorships. The final application deadline is 07 June 2019. 

  • Funding program through the African Academy of Sciences Affiliates Program: Program seeks early and mid-career scientists who demonstrate excellence in their development and application of science in Africa. The Funding Program offers activities to enhance the professional development of scientists, including special courses on proposal writing, manuscript preparation and proposals. Nominations must be received by July 15, 2019. 

  • Gender in Agriculture Webinar: Reflections on gender transformative approaches in agriculture, promise and cautionary tales. 20 June 2pm GMT+2. 

  • Prince Talal International Prize for Human Development: Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND) invites the United Nations, international and regional organizations, ministries and public institutions, social business enterprises, national NGOs, individuals and all development actors worldwide to submit projects that best contribute to achieving the sixth goal of the SDGs 2030 "Ensure access to water and sanitation for all" or at least one of its targets. 



Infographic development: WLE/CGIAR researchers, do you have a good idea for showing your data in an infographic? Or need help explaining an issue visually? Contact r.ryan@cgiar.org with your idea and we may be able to help.

Blogs / OpEds: We can help you turn good ideas into Thrive Blogs and Op-Eds, connecting your work to interested and invested readers. Below are recent links – please read and share!

Recent Thrive Blogs/Media/Op-Eds: 


Can we help you with a blog, brief or promotion? Our upcoming campaigns:

Let us know if you have an idea for a blog, brief, infographic or event support: a.hunt@cgiar.org


This year, WLE launched “A Fairer Future” campaign and support IWMI on “Voicing Water Visions” – both aiming to bring attention to equity issues and help researchers reach their equity related goals. Do you have projects / publications / findings on equity issues?  For this year’s campaign, WLE will highlight stories, results and impacts related to: gender, youth, migration, smallholder empowerment and other marginalized groups. Contact: a.hunt@cgiar.org


WLE is working on synergistic solutions to boost resilience for smallholders in these climate and resource challenged times. Let us know if you have upcoming publications or a blog idea that we can help you with: m.gadeberg@cgiar.org


Please send ideas and opportunities for consideration to a.hunt@cgiar.org, or post in our Facebook or LinkedIn groups. Please note that unless specified, WLE/IWMI/CGIAR is not involved in running the above opportunities and does not have decision making responsibility.