PC Mulugeta Ayene / WLE

Opportunities for researchers: February 2019

Below are some opportunities for researchers working on sustainable agriculture issues, including grants, workshops and journal calls etc.

Through the freshly launched Thrive Network for Sustainable Agriculture Researchers, we are providing opportunities – our own and collated – through email and social media. Please join to find out about upcoming grants, events and resources, and share your info:

>> ThriveNet Facebookfacebook.com/groups/thrivenet

>> ThriveNet LinkedIn: linkedin.com/groups/10364007

ThriveNet aims to provide research support, connect researchers with each other and with media and decision-makers, and share opportunities for WLE researchers and beyond. We hope it helps you communicate, so please feel free to post or contact us.

Thrive is offering grants for travel, local translation of communications tools (stay tuned), and media/Op-Ed/blog support.



WLE affiliated researchers - Do you need funds to help attending an event related to your equity-related research? Thrive offers grants up to $1500 toward travel to a sustainable agriculture-related event, including conferences, international events, field visits, professional development. Your research should be related to gender, youth, migration, smallholder empowerment or addressing marginalization.

To apply:

Please send your CV/bio and brief answers to the four questions below to a.hunt@cgiar.org:

  1. Details of the event and how you will participate
  2. How will this event contribute to your WLE research?
  3. How will this event contribute to the world’s knowledge on equity in agricultural solutions?
  4. Are you willing to write a Thrive blog about your research/experience, and what might it be about? (our editors can help, we can try to publish in global/sectoral/local media)


  • Deadline: March 3, 2019
  • Travel: must be between April 1 and Dec 15, 2019. Funds cover economy airfare, event hotel and event participation, up to $1500
  • *You must be working on a WLE-affiliated project (See: wle.cgiar.org)


Opportunities: curated for ThriveNet Researchers, Feb 2019

(WLE/Thrive is not responsible for management of these unless specified)








Infographic development: WLE/CGIAR researchers, do you have a good idea for showing your data in an infographic? Or need help explaining an issue visually? Contact r.ryan@cgiar.org with your idea and we may be able to help.

Blogs / OpEds: We can help you turn good ideas into Thrive Blogs and Op-Eds, connecting your work to interested and invested readers. Below are recent links – please read and share!

Recent Thrive Blogs/Media/Op-Eds: 

Can we help you with a blog, brief or promotion? Our upcoming campaigns:

Let us know if you have an idea for a blog, brief, infographic or event support: a.hunt@cgiar.org


This year, WLE will launch “A Fairer Future” campaign and support IWMI on “A Fair Water Future” – both aiming to bring attention to equity issues and help researchers reach their equity related goals. Do you have projects / publications / findings on equity issues?  For this year’s campaign, WLE will highlight stories, results and impacts related to: gender, youth, migration, smallholder empowerment and other marginalized groups. Contact: a.hunt@cgiar.org


WLE is working on synergistic solutions to boost resilience for smallholders in these climate and resource challenged times. Let us know if you have upcoming publications or a blog idea that we can help you with: m.gadeberg@cgiar.org


Please send ideas and opportunities for consideration to a.hunt@cgiar.org, or post in our Facebook or LinkedIn groups. Please note that unless specified, WLE/IWMI/CGIAR is not involved in running the above opportunities and does not have decision making responsibility.