Below are opportunities for researchers working on sustainable agriculture issues: grants, workshops, journal calls, and related notices.
Through this invitation to the freshly launched Thrive Network for Sustainable Agriculture Researchers, we are providing opportunities – our own and collated – through email and social media. Please join to find out about upcoming grants, events and resources, and share info about your research:
- ThriveNet Facebook:
- Thrivenet LinkedIn:
ThriveNet aims to streamline research support, connect researchers with each other and with media and decision-makers, and share opportunities for WLE researchers and beyond. We hope it helps you communicate, so please feel free to post or contact us at
- Events Participation Fund: WLE is offering $1500 toward travel to a sustainable agriculture-related event. To apply, you must be a WLE-affiliated researcher and plan to travel before May 31. To apply, see “Event Participation Funds” in the Thrive Network Facebook or LinkedIn. Apply (CV + three questions) by Jan 31.
- Nutrition research grants: The Nestlé Foundation supports research in human nutrition in low-income and lower middle-income countries. Deadlines in Jan and May.
- Southeast Asia travel grants: from SEARCA, to provide opportunities to qualified Southeast Asian nationals to participate and present papers in sustainable agricultural and rural development scientific conferences and fora, locally or internationally.
- World Water Week 2018: Call for Engagement: Join the world’s premier water event at Stockholm’s World Water Week in August. Submit your abstract now, including for IWMI's session Sustainable Infrastructure for Inclusive, Green Growth. Submit by Jan 21.
- Rural Transformation in the 21st Century: The Challenges of Low-Income, Late-Transforming Countries, convened by PIM as the Second Annual Social Science Conference of CGIAR as part of the International Conference of Agricultural Economists (July 28 - August 2, Vancouver, Canada). Abstract submission deadline is Jan 15.
- Sustainable Computing journal is producing a special issue on sustainable agriculture, and seeks original research articles on all kinds of smart and effective computation techniques and technologies for sustainable agriculture, including smart farming, green computing, AI, GIS and big data.
- Place-based Food Systems Conference is accepting proposals for presentations, papers, and posters. Place-Based Food Systems 2018: Making the Case, Making It Happen is a two-day conference in Canada highlighting the critical efforts of, and synergies between, researchers and community innovators who are working to forge vital place-based food systems.
- 14th International Conference on Nutrition and Agriculture Engineering (ICNAE-18). Submit paper, poster or abstract by Jan 21 for inclusion in the event in Turkey, March 21-23.
- Large-Scale Agriculture – For Profit And Society? - IAMO Forum 2018. June 27-29 in Germany. Submit abstracts by Feb 25.
- Inaugural sub-Saharan Africa training workshop on science diplomacy, young scientists (under 40) or policy makers apply here. Event will be in South Africa in May. Deadline is Feb 9.
- Communications support: need help promoting your research through a blog, media outreach, policy briefs, social media etc.? We may be able to support you on WLE-related work (subject to resources). Contact
- Call for Steering Committee Nominations: Knowledge-Action Network on Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Future Earth is seeking nominations for members to join the Steering Committee of this research collaboration which aims to better understand interactions between water, energy and food systems. Apply by Jan 20.
- Join migration-focused agriculture network: MARIS is a network of researchers and practitioners with a common interest in putting migration at the forefront of the global agricultural research agenda. For info contact
- Seeking doctoral research assistant on ecosystem services: The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University is taking applications up to Jan 15 for the three year position.
- The Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) at the University of California, Berkeley, offers a unique learning opportunity for mid-career practitioners and decision-makers to develop the tools and skills necessary to meet environmental goals that also reduce poverty and social conflict. Apply by end January.
- 2018 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation: To be launched in June 2018 by UN-Water – read advance briefings and other info.
BLOG: Sustainable development: What "progress" since Brundtland?
VIDEO: How do we balance the interests of farmers, fish, industry and the broader environment? Indicators and scalability of successful land restoration initiatives at the watershed scale, a discussion via GLF in December.
ARTICLE: EU and Gates Foundation pledge €500 million for innovations in agriculture. Will CGIAR see some new investment?
STORY: Ethiopian Highlanders unleash traditional practices on a modern land scourge
BLOG: Smallholder farming: How to solve three critical paradoxes
ARTICLE: 11 of the Fastest Growing Green Jobs – what’s your job’s prognosis?
(Please send opportunities for consideration to, or post in our Facebook or LinkedIn groups. Please note that unless specified, WLE is not involved in running the above opportunities and does not have decision making responsibility.)