Experiences and lessons learnt from supporting waste sector development in the Philippines

As in other developing countries, solid waste management (SWM) remains a crucial environmental issue in the Philippines. In the year 2000, the Philippine Congress released a new waste management legislation, the Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (Republic Act 9003). This law mandates Local Governments to implement suited measures for waste avoidance, materials recovery and recycling in order to reduce waste disposal and to enhance residual waste management through alternative technologies or sanitary landfills. The total municipal waste generation in the country is estimated at more than 25 Mio tons/year, with organic waste components representing the main fraction with around 50% in cities and up to 70% in rural areas. Although RA 9003 mandates a waste diversion rate of at least 25 % to be realized by municipalities in 2006, most of them fail to implement the waste legislation properly mainly due to budget limitations, lack of know-how and conflicting interests that delay priority setting and political decision-making. In this context, the Philippine government entered into a bilateral official development program with the German government provided through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) through its development program Solid Waste Management for Local Government Units (SWM4LGUs) during the time period 2005-2012. As part of this program an in-depth and year-long analysis of main factors that relate to success and failures in municipal SWM was conducted. As main outcome of this development program, the National Solid Waste Management Commission integrated these experiences and developed the new National Solid Waste Management Strategy for the years 2012 to 2016 in order to facilitate implementation of RA 9003.