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Biazin, B.; Wondatir, S.; Tilahun, G.; Asaro, N.; Amede, T. 2021. Using AquaCrop as a Decision-Support Tool for Small-Scale Irrigation Systems Was Dictated by the Institutional and Market Incentives in Ethiopia. Frontiers in water. Water 3:664127.
Gumma, M. K.; Desta, G.; Amede, T.; Panjala, P.; Smith, A. P.; Kassawmar, T.; Tummala, K.; Zeleke, G.; Whitbread, A. M. 2021. Assessing the impacts of watershed interventions using ground data and remote sensing: a case study in Ethiopia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 18(3).
Desta, G.; Abera, W.; Tamene, L.; Amede, T. 2021. A meta-analysis of the effects of land management practices and land uses on soil loss in Ethiopia. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 322:107635.
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Getnet, M.; Amede, T.; Tilahun, G.; Legesse, G.; Gumma, M. K.; Abebe, H.; Gashaw, T.; Ketter, C.; Akker, E. V. 2020. Water spreading weirs altering flood, nutrient distribution and crop productivity in upstream–downstream settings in dry lowlands of Afar, Ethiopia. Renewable agriculture and food systems. 1–11p.
Amede, T.; Van den Akker, E.; Berdel, W.; Keller, C.; Tilahun, G.; Dejen, A.; Legesse, G.; Abebe, H. 2020. Facilitating livelihoods diversification through flood-based land restoration in pastoral systems of Afar, Ethiopia. Renewable agriculture and food systems. 1–12p.
Gumma, M. K.; Amede, T.; Getnet, M.; Pinjarla, B.; Panjala, P.; Legesse, G.; Tilahun, G.; Van den Akker, E.; Berdel, W.; Keller, C.; Siambi, M.; Whitbread, A. M. 2020. Assessing potential locations for flood-based farming using satellite imagery: a case study of Afar region, Ethiopia. Renewable agriculture and food systems. 1–15p.
Amede, T.; Gashaw, T.; Legesse, G.; Tamene, L.; Mekonen, K.; Thorne, P.; Schultz, S. (2020). Landscape positions dictating crop fertilizer responses in wheat-based farming systems of East African Highlands. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 13 p. ISSN: 1742-1713