
Prioritizing rainwater management strategies in the Blue Nile basin

Notenbaert, A., Pfeiffer, C., MacAlister, C., Abebe, Y., Omolo, A. and Rebelo, L-M. 2013. Prioritizing rainwater management strategies in the Blue Nile basin. IN: Wolde, M. (ed). 2013, Rainwater management for resilient livelihoods in Ethiopia: Proceedings of the Nile Basin Development Challenge Science Meeting, Addis Ababa, 9-10 July 2013. NBDC Technical Report 5. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.

Watershed management experiences in Amhara Region

Mengistu, F. 2011. Watershed management experiences in Amhara Region. Presented at the Stakeholders’ Workshop on Enhancing Communities’ Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change Induced Water Scarcity in Kabe Watershed, South Wollo Zone, Wollo University, Dessie, Ethiopia, 24-25 November 2011. Bahir Dar, Ethiopia: Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI).

NBDC action research and innovation platforms

Cullen, B., Lema, Z., Adie, A. and Leta, G. 2013. NBDC action research and innovation platforms. Presented at the Innovation Platform Capacity Building Event, ILRI Addis Ababa, 18 March 2013. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.

Innovation platforms for improved natural resource management and sustainable intensification in the Ethiopian highlands

Lema, Z., Mulema, A.A., Le Borgne, E. and Duncan, A.J. 2016. Innovation platforms for improved natural resource management and sustainable intensification in the Ethiopian highlands. IN: Dror, I., Cadilhon, J.J., Schut, M., Misiko, M. and Maheshwari, S. 2016. Innovation platforms for agricultural development: Evaluating the mature innovation platforms landscape. UK: Routledge.

Navigating power dynamics in innovation platforms: Lessons from the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia

Cullen, B., Lema, Z., Tucker, J., Snyder, K. and Duncan, A.J. 2014. Navigating power dynamics in innovation platforms: Lessons from the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. IN: Triomphe, B., Waters-Bayer, A., Klerkx, L., Schut, M., Cullen, B., Kamau, G. and Le Borgne, E. (eds.). 2014. Innovation in smallholder farming in Africa: Recent advances and recommendations: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA), Nairobi, Kenya, 29 - 31 May 2013. Montpellier, France: CIRAD: 79 - 84.

Resource mapping of the Kabe Watershed Pilot Project in Ethiopia, 2011-2013

Abebe, B. and Woldesellassie, M. 2013. Resource mapping of the Kabe Watershed Pilot Project in Ethiopia, 2011-2013. Presented at the Workshop on the Lessons and Success Stories from a Pilot Project on Climate Change Adaptation Interventions in Kabe watershed, south Wollo, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 11-12 February 2013. Wollo, Ethiopia: Wollo University.
