Many 'low-impact' (i.e. diverse, not highly modified, low external inputs) farming systems in the developing world are extremely important for a wide range of threatened species (that can be a big ecotourism draw).
Highly recommend this paper by Wright et al:
Wright, Hugh L., Iain R. Lake, and Paul M. Dolman. "Agriculture—a key element for conservation in the developing world." Conservation Letters 5.1 (2012): 11-19.
Many 'low-impact' (i.e. diverse, not highly modified, low external inputs) farming systems in the developing world are extremely important for a wide range of threatened species (that can be a big ecotourism draw).
Highly recommend this paper by Wright et al:
Wright, Hugh L., Iain R. Lake, and Paul M. Dolman. "Agriculture—a key element for conservation in the developing world." Conservation Letters 5.1 (2012): 11-19.