Its my honor to share my insights on Importance of having a second green revolution.
Since the global population is on the rise and all set to cross 9 billion mark by 2025, so not many people would negate the importance of finding new ways to produce enough food to feed the world.
I believe the second green revolution is actually a kind of gene revolution led by gene technolgy where we could produce more food crops on limited land. Furthermore by doing that we can add nutritious value of staple food crops including wheat, rice, maize etc.
As Dr. Borlaug also suggested the advent of gene revolution and higlighted its importance on numerous accasions so its of utmost importance to see where and how this technology could help benefit the mankind.
Its my honor to share my insights on Importance of having a second green revolution.
Since the global population is on the rise and all set to cross 9 billion mark by 2025, so not many people would negate the importance of finding new ways to produce enough food to feed the world.
I believe the second green revolution is actually a kind of gene revolution led by gene technolgy where we could produce more food crops on limited land. Furthermore by doing that we can add nutritious value of staple food crops including wheat, rice, maize etc.
As Dr. Borlaug also suggested the advent of gene revolution and higlighted its importance on numerous accasions so its of utmost importance to see where and how this technology could help benefit the mankind.