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The Comprehensive Assessment 2001-2006

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The Comprehensive Assessment on Water Management in Agriculture (CA), launched in 2001 is a five year international research, capacity building and knowledge sharing program (Complete timeline displayed in graph 1 pdf 34Kb).

Timeline of Synthesis : 2nd phase

The detailed timeline of tasks of each team is shown in the following tables.

Assessment process preparation





Launching CA synthesis

Stockholm 2004. Call for nominations of interested participants


assessment process preparation

Lead Authors and CA secretariat: set up globally diverse teams to prepare individual chapters of the technical assessment (10 chapter teams, 4 cross-cutting teams and 1 scenario team). CLAs and CA Secretariat identify lead authors, contributing authors and broader network, and communicates this to team members. The CLAs should prepare a timeline of events for their chapter in consultation with the Secretariat.


Organize individual chapter writing, consultation and outreach process

Compile assessment questions for each chapter drawn from (CLA, LA, CAs):

The co-sponsors and clients of the Assessment: the Ramsar Convention, FAO, and CGIAR (CBD joined later as a co-sponsor).

Cross cutting chapter working groups – poverty/gender, ecosystems, health, governance

Issues that the CLAs and LAs identify

Cross-cutting teams define critical questions to be addressed by other chapters


Assessment and Process Workshop


For coordinating lead authors (CLA workshop, Aleppo, April, 2005):

Ensure common understanding of overall process and chapter inputs

Gain insights on working in diverse teams

Detailed work plan per chapter, draft outline and questions to projects

Develop detailed chapter drafting procedures


First Draft of chapter writing, with participation, consultation and information sharing





Chapter writing through intensive consultation process


Use the following procedure to prepare a first draft of the chapter:

Draft key messages and provide supporting evidence referring to assessment questions (CLA and LA)

On line discussion of key messages and evidence (team)

Flag the most contentious issues and possibly develop issue briefs on these

First draft of detailed chapter outline followed by an on-line discussion. Contributors asked to provide material – tables, references, written material

Face to face meeting resulting in an agreed chapter outline.

Each chapter writing team (CLA and LAs) develop first chapter draft and submit to Secretariat


More about the chapter workshops

The workshop brings together the lead and contributing authors and where relevant one from the cross-cutting issues team. The workshop will result in an agreed upon chapter outline.

Key elements of the workshop include:

Review of assessment questions, draft outline, supporting evidence

Brief presentations of relevant evidence drawn from CA research and other experiences

Discussions on the most contentious issues

Consensus on key messages or, where there is no consensus, identification of why views differ

Consensus on chapter outline, including tables, graphs and evidence to be presented

Identification of key response options to be presented in the chapter

Identification of issues to be dealt with by scenarios group.


1st chapter draft

Draft chapter with messages, and evidence submitted to CA Secretariat (CLA and LA)


1 st chapter review

Review panel review assigns individual chapters to reviewers to check scientific validity of assessment;

CA Secretariat invites review from extended network

Key chapter messages discussed at various appropriate meetings to obtain feedback. Opportunities for testing the messages of the chapter in face to face meetings may arise in high level events and conferences organized throughout 2005


Synthesis across chapters and second draft




26-28.09.2005 (tentative dates)

Synthesis Workshop

Bring together all the coordinating lead authors to present key elements of their chapters, check and harmonize across chapters, ensure integration of cross-cutting issues, discuss story lines and scenarios, extract key elements for overview for policy makers

1.10.05 to 15.11.05

Second draft preparation and first draft overview for policy makers

Chapter writing teams and cross cutting groups revise individual chapters (version 2) in consultation with contributing authors and network.

Scenarios team continues analysis based on results of synthesis workshop, and prepares first draft of scenarios chapter

Preliminary draft Overview for decision makers prepared.

15.11.05 to 15.12.06

Internal review

Chapter writing teams and cross cutting groups review other chapters to ensure consistency across the book.

15.12.05 to 15.01.06 Second review

Review panel oversees second scientific review, paying attention to the structure of entire document

Stakeholder consultations and review

First review of scenarios and overview document

9 to 13.01.06 Scenarios and SDM workshop

CLAs and scenarios team develop scenarios and key messages for the summary for decision makers.

If necessary, small chapter teams meet to finalise chapters.


Publication and special report preparation





Final draft of chapters

Preparation of final drafts, attending to reviewers and stakeholder comments

Second draft of scenarios and overview

Preparation of briefs for WWF

mid-02 to mid-03.2006

Water Forum preparations

Second review of scenarios and overview

Presentations at 4th WWF for stakeholder consultation and final feedback

Beginning of final approval process by co-sponsors, SC

mid-03 to mid-04.2006

Preparation of final draft

Revisions based on final reviews, stakeholder consultations, and final approval process


Final approval

By cosponsors, review panel, SC


Editing and publishing

Substantive and scientific editing (May to July 2006)

Publishing and distributing overview at Stockholm meeting (August 2006)

Publishing Assessment (August – September, 2006)


Stockholm Water Week

Presentation of key findings and distribution of SDM



Delivery of Assessment


Preparation of Special Reports

Special report preparation - special reports proposed for Ramsar on Wetlands and Agriculture, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa


Continuing outreach and communication

Based on approved material, preparation of policy briefs, communication material and presentation of results to various audiences. Normal outreach happens throughout the entire process.