adapted from the World Water Development report
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Word is the most universal and compatible software. Please do not use WordPerfect.
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The table of contents list should include all artwork, captions, figures – everything. It will be used as a checklist to verify that nothing is missing from your article.
Headings: Please indicate different levels of headings (maximum 4) in your text as follows:
A Bold
B Bold italics
C Roman
D Roman Italics
DO NOT USE CAPS except for initial caps and to indicate approximate location of figures and graphics in the text. (See below)
Footnotes: just number them in the text and collect them all at the end of the article or chapter.
Labelling: Use the ‘Header’ function in Word (Insert Menu) to put your name and the date of last revision on every page of your text. Be sure to label your disk with your name, the software version used and the date.
Spelling: Use the UK spell-check function on the computer but also remember to proofread.
Spacing: The manuscript should be single-sided, double-spaced and clearly numbered, with generous margins (at least 2.5 cm) on both sides and at the top and bottom of every page.
Figures and tables should be collected separately and saved as separate files, not as part of the main text, but please do be sure to indicate approximate location in the texts using CAPS. The hard copy should nonetheless include all figures and tables, for example, collected at the back of the text.
Number the pages of text.
Any quotations/extracts should have permission. Please provide copies of any permissions correspondence.
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Images: Please ensure that you send high-resolution digital files (TIF, EPS – 300 dpi) or very high-quality scannable originals. Again, please indicate their approximate placement within the text. If you are unable to print out a high-quality version of the artwork, send us the digital version and a low-quality printout as hard copy (i.e., a photocopy).
Please provide a list of any abbreviations used consistently throughout the text.
Glossary: please provide a short list of main terms used in your text and a short definition of each to be included in the book’s main glossary.
Index: please provide a word list of the terms/concepts that should appear in the book index.
Measurements: International standards (metric) only, please.
Bibliography examples:
Example with single author: BORGES-MANSON, A. 1996. Women’s Literacy and the Question of Dropout. Stockholm, Institute for International Education.
Example with corporate author: NATIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION. 1996a. First National Development Plan (NDP1), Windhoek, National Planning Commission.
Example of paper presented at conference: CHAWANJE, C. M. 1989. Ways and Means of Involving Young and Talented Women in the Scientific and Technology Field in Malawi. (Paper presented at the AASOM Annual Conference held at the Polytechnic of Malawi, Blantyre.)
Example of edited collection: KIRAGU, F.; NTURBI, F. 1992. A Review of Science and Mathematics Texts Used in Kenyan Schools. In: A. Obura (ed.), Changing Images: A Portrayal of Girls and Women in Textbooks in Kenya. Nairobi, Africa Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) Press.
Example of periodical: TRAVIS, J. 1993. Programs that Work: Making Room for Women in the Culture of Science. Science. Vol. 260, pp. 412–15.
Please indicate in your bibliography, the most important references. The editor may have to limit the number of references in the book but they will be available on the version online.