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Jordan Rift Valley, Jordan

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Basin fact sheet

Documents available

Bibliography on Jordan River Basin (periodically updated)

Conference papers, book chapters and reports

Molle, F.; Venot, J.-P.; Hassan, Y. 2008. Irrigation in the Jordan Valley: Are Water Pricing Policies Overoptimistic? Agricultural Water Management.

Van Aken, M.; Courcier, R.; Venot, J.-P.; Molle, F. 2007. Historical Trajectory of a River Basin in the Middle East: The Lower Jordan River Basin (in Jordan). International Water Management Institute and French Regional Mission for Water and Agriculture, Amman.  Part A;  Part B.

Venot JP, F Molle and Y Hassan. 2007. Irrigated agriculture, water pricing and water savings in the Lower Jordan River Basin (in Jordan). Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute. 61p. (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Research Report 18)

Venot, J.P.; Molle, F.; Courcier, R. 2006. Dealing with Closed Basins: The Case of the Lower Jordan River Basin. Paper prepared for the World Water Week, 20-26 August 2006. Stockholm, SIWI.

Courcier, R.; Venot, J.P.; Molle, F. 2005. Historical transformations of the Lower Jordan River Basin:  Changes in water use and projections (1950 – 2025). CA Research Report 9.

Courcier, R. and Venot J.P. 2004. Bilan des Ressources en Eau au sein du Bassin Versant du Jourdain en Jordanie Evolution et Prospectives sur la période 1950- 2025. Paper prepared for the International Water Demand Management Conference, June 2004, Dead Sea, Jordan. Minister of Water and Irrigation and USAID.

Venot, J.P. 2005. Changes in water management and irrigated agriculture in the lower Jordan river basin in Jordan: a technical review of irrigated farming systems. Present situation & impacts of expected water management changes. MSc Thesis (DEA: « Environnement : Milieux, Techniques et Sociétés » (EMTS). 3 volumes : Main Report Part1Main Report Part2Appendix.

Darmane, Khadija.2004. Le Service d'eau Potable d'Amman entre la Gestion Publique et Privée. Research report submitted to IWMI.

Nachbaur, J.W. 2004. The Jordan River Basin in Jordan: Impacts of Support for Irrigation and Rural Development. Report to IWMI/MREA.

Suleiman, R. 2004. Water Resources Development in the Lower Jordan River Basin. Report. IWMI/MREA. (3 Meg).

Suleiman, R. 2003. Historical Outline of Water Resources Development in the Lower Jordan River Basin. Paper prepared for the 3rd Conference of the International Water History Association, Alexandria, Egypt, December 11-14, 2003.

Jridi, A. 2002. The development of the Jordanian Jordan river basin: main historical steps. Report to MREA-IWMI. 35p

Arrighi, A. and Courcier, R. 2002.  Quelles Perspectives pour l'Agriculture Jordanienne? In Du Maghreb au Proche-Orient sous la direction de Pierre BLANC - l’Harmattan, 2002.

Grey Literature

J.P. Venot. 2003. Farming systems in the Jordan river basin in Jordan: Synthesis

J.P. Venot. 2003. Farming systems in the Jordan river basin in Jordan: General presentation of the Jordan River Basin in Jordan

J.P. Venot. 2003. Farming systems in the Jordan river basin in Jordan: Agronomical and economic description

J.P. Venot. 2003. Farming systems in the Jordan river basin in Jordan: Water considerations, evolutions and strategies envisaged

J.P. Venot. 2003. Farming systems in the Jordan river basin in Jordan: The peculiar case of the olive trees orchard

J.P. Venot. 2003. Farming systems in the Jordan river basin in Jordan: Bibliography and appendixes 

J.P. Venot. 2003. Farming systems in the Jordan river basin in Jordan: Economic Models.


[See other reports from MREA, Amman]