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Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand

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MOLLE, François and Thippawal SRIJANTR (eds). 2003. Perspectives on Social and Agricultural Change in the Chao Phraya Delta, White Lotus, Bangkok, 450 p.

MOLLE, François; Nittaya NGERNPRASERTSRI, Savakon SUDSAWASD (2002) Are water user organisations crucial for water management? A post-mortem analysis of water user groups in Thailand and the prospect for reincarnation. Paper prepared for the 6th Conference on Participatory Irrigation Management, Beijing, 20-26 April 2002.

MOLLE, Francois; Thippawal SRIJANTR and Lionel LATHAM. 2002. Balance and imbalances in village economy: a three village study in the Chao Phraya Delta, Paper presented to the 8 th Thai Studies International Conference, Ubon Ratchasima.

MOLLE, Francois 2001. Water Pricing in Thailand: Theory and Practice. Kasetsart University, DORAS Center, Research Report no7, 78 p. 

MOLLE, Francois 2001. The reform of Thai irrigation sector: Is there scope for increasing water productivity? Paper presented at the "Workshop on Water Productivity", IWMI, Colombo. 

MOLLE, François; CHOMPADIST, Chatchom; SRIJANTR, T. and Jesda KEAWKULAYA. 2001a. Dry-season water allocation and management in the Chao Phraya basin. Research Report submitted to the European Union, Research report no8, Bangkok, 278 p.

MOLLE, François; Nittaya NGERNPRASERTSRI, SUDSAWASD, Savakon and Chatchom CHOMPADIST. 2001b. Patterns of social interaction and organisation in irrigated agriculture: the case of the Chao Phraya Delta, DORAS Project, Research report n°9, Kasetsart University, Report submitted to the European Union, Bangkok, 150 p.

MOLLE, François; SRIJANTR, Thippawal; LATHAM, Lionel and Phuangladda THEPSTITSILP. 2001c. The impact of the access to irrigation water on the evolution of farming systems: a case study of 3 villages in the Chao Phraya Delta, Kasetsart University, DORAS Center, Research Report no11, 74p.

MOLLE, F.; SRIJANTR, T. 1999. Agrarian change and land system in the Chao Phraya Delta, DORAS Project, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Research Report n°6, 90 p.