Agro Landscapes has launched a series of interactive e-learning modules that brings together the insights of over 40 international experts on transforming our food, land and water systems for a sustainable and inclusive future.
By integrating more biodiversity into agricultural land, we can supply the world's growing population with a healthy diet while reducing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
Scientists from WLE contributed significantly to the EU Farm to Fork Strategy and Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, which proposes that 10% of EU agricultural landscapes should be managed for the conservation of natural and semi-natural habitats.
The Agrobiodiversity Index pioneers measurement of agrobiodiversity in consumption, production and conservation, and aligns with nine of the SDGs. And interest in the Index has extended from public partners to private companies with global clients.
CoSAI Commissioner, Dr Maurício Lopes, reflects on plans to revitalize Brazil's landscape which could serve as a model for countries facing similar challenges across the planet's tropical belt.
Faster, cheaper and more precise than conventional testing, soil spectroscopy analysis gives giving agricultural producers at all scales vital information on how to improve and protect their soils.
Effective forest and landscape restoration interventions need to take into account socio-political aspects and gender norms in order to ensure long-term impact and promote equitable sharing of benefits.
The work would influence the development of novel policies supporting carbon capture, improved water quality, habitat and connectivity for biodiversity and more, whilst recognizeing those services that benefit agriculture.
Seventeen African countries are now using soil–plant spectral technology to restore soils and boost agricultural production, food security and livelihoods.
The report provides guidance in estimating soil organic carbon (SOC) and help identify appropriate deployment of sustainable land management (SLM) technologies, with a special focus on maintaining land degradation neutrality (LDN).
The Africa RISING program -- "Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation" -- provides support to Ethiopian farmers across the country, offering conservation-focused interventions.