CoSAI built partnerships with regional bodies, research and development agencies, and the private sector to share knowledge and engage collectively to promote more and better-targeted innovation in sustainable agricultural intensification.
International ARI4D Organizations

Alliance Bioversity International-CIAT
CoSAI is collaborating with the Alliance on Paying for Nature and Society, co-hosting a Latin American regional roundtable (together with IUCN and CODS) and producing a policy paper.
Find out more about the Alliance here.

UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Offices
With CoSAI, the FCDO co-financed, and guided the Investment Gap Study to support the COP26 Transforming Agricultural Innovation for People, Nature and Climate campaign, which is co-chaired by FCDO and CCAFS.
Find out more about FCDO here.

Tropical Agriculture Platform
CoSAI is a member of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), providing evidence to support the ambitions of TAP, including participating in TAP-led event "Capacity development for agriculture innovation systems. Lessons learned and future action of the Tropical Agriculture Platform partnership". Read our news story.
Click on the links to out more about TAP, TAPipedia and CDAIS.
Regional ARI4D Organizations

Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions
Together with the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), CoSAI is hosting three regional dialogues on the innovation investment landscape and future food systems, the decision support tools for enhancing the impact of innovation investment, and the way forward in the Asia-Pacific for innovation investment. See our news item here.
Find our more about APAARI here.

Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
Together with the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), CoSAI is hosting three regional dialogues on Sustainable agricultural intensification in looking at the approaches, instruments, and pathways that can get innovation to scale. The dialogues will particularly focus on urban and peri-urban agriculture on the continent and use CoSAI's urban and peri-urban study, among other CoSAI evidence, as a launching pad for evidence.
Find out more about FARA here.
International Organizations

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
As part of the IUCN World Conservation Congress, CoSAI hosting a hybrid session on Agricultural Finance as a Force for Conservation: Innovations for and from the Global South. See our news piece here. In addition to this, we collaboratively hosted a roundtable (together with Alliance Bioversity-CIAT and CODS) focussing on innovative financial incentives to lead an equitable and sustainable transition in agriculture, with a focus in the Latin American region.
Find out more about IUCN here.

UN Food Systems Summit
CoSAI contributed to the UNFSS through engagement in the Finance and Innovation Levers, Action Tracks, the Global Finance Dialogue, Science Days and providing CoSAI evidence to guide improved investment in innovation.
Find out more about UNFSS here.

UK COP26 Campaign
In conjunction with the nature campaign CoSAI was part of a webinar series that presented the emerging evidence of both the Innovation Investment Study and the Investment Gap Study. This evidence is being used in preparation for COP26.
Find out more about COP26 here.

Just Rural Transition
CoSAI is providing evidence into the Just Rural Transition (JRT) process to support a range of activities that are developing Policy papers with members in the public and private sectors.
Find out more about JRT here.

Kansas State University - Innovation Lab
The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification is partnering with CoSAI through co-investing in various studies including the Innovation Investment Study, the Investment Gap Study, the Approaches & Instruments Study and the work on developing Principles & Metrics.
Find out more about Feed the Future Innovation Lab here.

SDG Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (CODS)
The SDG Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) is working with CoSAI on Paying for Nature and Society work – producing a research paper and policy brief reviewing innovation in financial mechanisms to support an inclusive sustainability transition in agriculture.
Find out more about CODS here.
Research Organizations

International Food Policy Research Institute
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) were commissioned by CoSAI to produce the Investment Gap Study.
Find out more about IFPRI here.

Dalberg Advisors
This work was led by the India offices of Dalberg Advisors who were commissioned to complete the Innovation Investment Study. Dalberg Advisors, a part of the Dalberg Group, is a strategic advisory firm that works collaboratively across public, private and philanthropic sectors to fuel inclusive growth. See Dalberg's work getting traction in the news here.
Find out more about Dalberg here.

Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
The Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) is working with CoSAI in producing our Innovation Pathways Study, focussing specifically on India.
Find out more about CEEW here.

Resource Plan
Resource Plan is working with CoSAI in producing our Innovation Pathways Study, focussing specifically on Kenya.
Find out more about Resource Plan here.

Agroicone is working with CoSAI in producing our Innovation Pathways Study, focussing specifically on Brazil.
Find out more about Agroicone here.

Institute of Natural Resources
The Institute of Natural Resources (INR) was commissioned by CoSAI to produce the Approaches & Instruments Study.
Find out more about INR here.

CoSAI is working with Havos.Ai and Cornell University to produce the Mapping Research on Small-scale Farms.
Find out more about Havos.Ai here.

University of Oxford
The Food Systems Transformation Group at the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford is partnering with CoSAI to develop the Principles and Metrics work.
Find out more about the Food Systems Transformation Group here.