Head of Commission on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification
julia.compton (at) cgiar.org
Joining WLE in November 2019, Julia is responsible to establish a global scientific Commission to bring together evidence on what transitions are necessary to deliver sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) at multiple scales, in ways that are ecologically, economically, ethically and socially sustainable.
Julia has over 30 years’ experience in agriculture and rural development, including in participatory technology development with small-scale farmers and traders. She has held long-term posts in three developing countries and made working visits to over 15 others; this included positions in two African Ministries of Agriculture. She spent seven years in the UK Natural Resources Institute (Food Security/Post Harvest Depts) and ten years at the UK Department for International Development, first as a Rural Livelihoods/Pro-Poor Growth Adviser and later as Deputy Head of Evaluation. Since 2010 she has been an independent consultant specializing in evaluation, results and performance, and has also worked part time for the UK the Overseas Development Institute and the University of London (SOAS) distance learning program. Julia has two Masters degrees in Crop Protection (Imperial College) and Agricultural Economics (Wye College) and a Ph.D from University of London.