Kris is a Belgian bio-science engineer and insect ecologist (PhD, 2005, Purdue). Based in Vietnam, he runs a private consulting firm Chrysalis – through which he explores nature-based solutions to pest control in both temperate and tropical settings. He is also Honorary Associate Professor at University of Queensland (Australia), Guest Professor at China Academy of Agricultural Sciences CAAS, and Jinshan Scholar at Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University (China). He has worked on arthropod biological control in a wide range of cropping systems. Kris has been based in Southeast Asia since 2013, where he initially worked as entomologist with the CGIAR to document efficacy of importation biological control against the invasive cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti. He has published extensively on agro-ecology, biological control and IPM, and is a passionate advocate of biodiversity-friendly farming.