Landscapes for People, Food and Nature (LPFN) - a global coalition of agriculture, environment and development organizations and an important WLE partner - is leading an initiative to write a white paper on Integrated Landscape Approaches as a means of implementation for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The premise of the white paper is that land and water resources must be collectively managed at a landscape scale if food production, ecosystem health and human wellbeing are to be achieved in tandem. Sustainable development requires cooperation and coordination across member states, sectors, and scales in order to be successful.
By managing the underpinning natural resource base and ecosystem services in a coordinated way, the needs of people, communities and governments can be met in the short and long term. LPFN is calling this Integrated Landscape Management (ILM).
Fabrice DeClerck and Sylvia Wood of Bioversity International, the CGIAR Research Center that leads WLE's Ecosystem Services and Resilience core theme, are helping to author the white paper, which will be finalized in time for the CoP21 in December.