TypeJournal Article
Lake Ziway is providing water for a wide variety of sectors in the central rift valley of Ethiopia. However, there is a lack of systematic study that informs the effect of water abstraction on the lake water balance. In the present study, we conducted a Water Abstraction Survey (WAS) to estimate actual water withdrawal from the lake and developed a water balance model of the lake to evaluate the associated impact on the lake water storage and outflow for three development plans. The mean error and root mean square error of the simulated lake water level as compared with observed counterparts were estimated as 0.1 and 0.2 m, respectively, which is smaller than the range of the observed fluctuation of the lake water level under natural condition. Our findings indicate that the actual storage and outflow of Lake Ziway are significantly impacted by the existing water withdrawal. When the future development plans are fully implemented, the annual amount of irrigation and domestic water withdrawal from the lake will reach 95 Mm3 . This will cause the lake water level to drop by 0.94 m, which translates to 38 km2 reductions in the lake surface area. Consequently, the lake will lose 26.5% of its actual storage volume when the future development plan (2029–2038) is implemented as compared to the observed storage between 1986 and 2000. Hence, the current impact of water resources development around the lake is substantially large and will exacerbate in the future. This indicates the need for urgent actions to monitor and manage water abstraction from the lake.
Goshime, D. W.; Haile, Alemseged Tamiru; Absi, R.; Ledesert, B. 2021. Impact of water resource development plan on water abstraction and water balance of Lake Ziway, Ethiopia. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 7(3):36. [doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40899-021-00516-w]
- Goshime, D. W.
- Haile, Alemseged Tamiru
- Absi, R.
- Ledesert, B.