If the question is how to create more water storage in the most efficient, least cost way, with zero environmental consequences, then the answer is AQUIFER STORAGE. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) technology in general, or aquifer storage recovery (ASR) technology in particular, have proven economic and water management success throughout the world. MAR solutions should always be thoroughly explored for feasibility before considering surface storage. In addition to all the environmental and water conservation benefits, MAR offers the incredible benefit of scaleability with almost immediate operation potential from initial investment and the option to expand projects incrementally as demand increases or financing becomes available. The US based American Ground Water Trust has convened over 30 conferences since 1998 that have focused on hydrologic, geologic, economic, engineering, legal, environmental and political aspects of MAR.
If the question is how to create more water storage in the most efficient, least cost way, with zero environmental consequences, then the answer is AQUIFER STORAGE. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) technology in general, or aquifer storage recovery (ASR) technology in particular, have proven economic and water management success throughout the world. MAR solutions should always be thoroughly explored for feasibility before considering surface storage. In addition to all the environmental and water conservation benefits, MAR offers the incredible benefit of scaleability with almost immediate operation potential from initial investment and the option to expand projects incrementally as demand increases or financing becomes available. The US based American Ground Water Trust has convened over 30 conferences since 1998 that have focused on hydrologic, geologic, economic, engineering, legal, environmental and political aspects of MAR.