(Apologise for my limited english) I like the starting sentence of the Blog which says "Two billion small-scale farmers hold the key to feeding the world’s growing population while reversing past environmental damage". This probably will not be the case in Colombia if current policies force farmers to extintion. There is not such a technical solution available for this, the solution has to tackle the roots of the problem and this is a political and in some cases purely economical. The best example I can talk is what is currently happening in Colombia. The richer want to take hand of what is left of farmers´ belongings. Those few farmers left by the massive expulsion of campesions in the last 20 years (about 4 millions according to https://www.unhcr.org/pages/49e492ad6.html). Big land owners aid by the force of corrupt politicians and paramilitar´s groups aid in this process. Even some foreign enterprises contribute to this grabbing big pieces of land in national territories. Working in water, land and ecosystems in favour of the marginalised farmers requires more than managing resources and risks. Requires human rights enforcement, agricultural policies that warrants benefit sharing of resources use, it also requires pressure to key organizations and governments to secure that there will be people in rural areas to work with. I have the evidence of this while looking throughout my window. It is all happening outside, along the roads, near the small towns and crop areas. It is on the news too. See this short clip on the issue (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-23810701). Real situation is not really advertised since the press is in the side of the government. And if you want to see more, spend some time watching this documentary (https://idea.me/proyectos/9162/documental-970) on the free trade agreements and its impact in rice producers. I feel ashame of the politicians of my country, not very different to many others that impede development and the dream of a landscape plenty with trees, bees and people.
(Apologise for my limited english) I like the starting sentence of the Blog which says "Two billion small-scale farmers hold the key to feeding the world’s growing population while reversing past environmental damage". This probably will not be the case in Colombia if current policies force farmers to extintion. There is not such a technical solution available for this, the solution has to tackle the roots of the problem and this is a political and in some cases purely economical. The best example I can talk is what is currently happening in Colombia. The richer want to take hand of what is left of farmers´ belongings. Those few farmers left by the massive expulsion of campesions in the last 20 years (about 4 millions according to https://www.unhcr.org/pages/49e492ad6.html). Big land owners aid by the force of corrupt politicians and paramilitar´s groups aid in this process. Even some foreign enterprises contribute to this grabbing big pieces of land in national territories. Working in water, land and ecosystems in favour of the marginalised farmers requires more than managing resources and risks. Requires human rights enforcement, agricultural policies that warrants benefit sharing of resources use, it also requires pressure to key organizations and governments to secure that there will be people in rural areas to work with. I have the evidence of this while looking throughout my window. It is all happening outside, along the roads, near the small towns and crop areas. It is on the news too. See this short clip on the issue (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-23810701). Real situation is not really advertised since the press is in the side of the government. And if you want to see more, spend some time watching this documentary (https://idea.me/proyectos/9162/documental-970) on the free trade agreements and its impact in rice producers. I feel ashame of the politicians of my country, not very different to many others that impede development and the dream of a landscape plenty with trees, bees and people.