- Africa
- East Africa
TypeConference Paper

Cullen, B., Lema, Z., Tucker, J., Snyder, K. and Duncan, A.J. 2014. Navigating power dynamics in innovation platforms: Lessons from the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. IN: Triomphe, B., Waters-Bayer, A., Klerkx, L., Schut, M., Cullen, B., Kamau, G. and Le Borgne, E. (eds.). 2014. Innovation in smallholder farming in Africa: Recent advances and recommendations: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA), Nairobi, Kenya, 29 - 31 May 2013. Montpellier, France: CIRAD: 79 - 84.
- Cullen, B.
- Lema, Z.
- Tucker, J.
- Snyder, K.
- Duncan, A.J.