Luc Viatour/Wikipedia.

Ecosystem services

Ecosystem services are the benefits that people and societies receive from nature, such as food, water, pollination, nutrient cycling and many others. WLE works to facilitate agricultural intensification that recognizes, preserves and enhances the services that ecosystems provide.

Natural infrastructure

Wetlands, forests, flood plains and other environmental systems can all be considered part of the natural infrastructure that supports thriving cities and healthy landscapes. WLE is working to understand and quantify the important functions that natural infrastructure fulfills and to advise decision makers on how to take advantage of its benefits.


Across the globe, biodiversity loss is accelerating, harming the provision of life-sustaining services such as pollination, pest regulation and dietary diversity. WLE is working to find ways to increase food production, while protecting and enhancing biodiversity.

Equitable benefit sharing

Ecosystems provide a wealth of benefits, but these are not always equitably shared. WLE seeks to identify the right incentives and institutions that can facilitate a fair distribution of resources and services between all people, including women, youth and other disadvantaged groups.