This first-ever event of its kind in Pakistan aims to bring together academics, government officials, NGOs, and policy experts from home and abroad to discuss the problems affecting the country's water resources today.
Emerging results of a study show opportunities for future organic systems and food security outcomes, in light of the recent policy changes in Sri Lanka.
The cloud-based platform will be the first of its kind in the country, and could be used for an efficient coordination and response mechanism to support agricultural production and rural development.
At a recent workshop, experts in remote sensing shared the latest innovations in digital data with insurance professionals, to enable insurers to build better products that help more farmers in Sri Lanka cope with climate risk.
The success of the water users' association at Pyawt Ywar prompted Myanmar's Irrigation and Water Utilization Department to replicate it in other villages, and WLE/IWMI is translating the water user association handbook into Burmese to support these efforts.
A holistic watershed approach that not just conserves water and soil for better crop production but touches people’s lives through science-led interventions has once again delivered significant impacts in a Corporate Social Responsibility project in Telangana state of India.
Satellite-based insurance is emerging as a new tool to help merginalised farmers get back on feet following damaging floods or droughts. The technology remotely monitors conditions on the ground, and provides information to verify claims.
Practical, multi-pronged interventions helped struggling farmers in Jhansi district to diversify and intensify crop production through agroforestry, and now it's being scaled-up to seven districts.
Public, private and academic actors, including CCAFS and WLE, comes together to offer a suite of solutions, that will gear smallholders to prepare for a new climate era.