The WLE 2018 Annual Report > Equality of opportunity
Influencing water investments to support women in Tajikistan
Community water management investments in Tajikistan are now better targeted to women, with an aim to increase food production and stabilize farming systems.
The changes came after an evaluation by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) found that not addressing the needs of women can harm a project’s prospects. As more and more men migrate from farms, women have been thrust into farm management roles in Tajikistan and around the developing world.
With support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Tajikistan introduced water user associations (WUAs) in 2012 and trained thousands of farm managers to take charge of their own water management decisions. IWMI evaluated these WUAs over a four-year period, to better understand impacts and areas for improvement.
IWMI found that providing repeated agronomic training of farm managers and WUAs significantly improved WUA financial performance, farmer participation and fee recovery. In addition, water delivery services, cultivated area and crop diversity also showed remarkable improvements.
But there was an unexpected finding: While untrained male farmers also benefited from these trainings, untrained female farmers were not accessing these benefits.
The program targeted those named as manager in the farm title – 98% of whom were men. But male migration often left untrained women in charge of farms – excluded from training under this system. And as these shifts occurred, knowledge on how to take part in WUA activities was mostly being transferred to other male shareholders, but not to women.
Despite being at a disadvantage, women like Abdullaeva Uguloi, one of the few women to head a WUA, feel that they could be making important contributions: “All water user associations should be headed by women. There is so much work, especially at the beginning, but you have to balance so many tasks, and you cannot give up. Women are more likely to overcome all the barriers. You have to be happy to always be working. Women are much better at this than men.”
The evaluation also found that training programs were also seldom tailored to the timing, location and educational needs of women. This left them ill-equipped to step in and run the farms, secure water for irrigation, or even cultivate their home gardens.
Based on these findings, IWMI recommended targeting women farmers. With more knowledge and skills, women could then better contribute to WUA decisions and secure water for their farms and kitchen gardens. IWMI also recommended redesigning training materials, using women trainers, organizing childcare support and holding trainings in locations that are easily accessible for women.
WLE partners reported that these recommendations have been incorporated into USAID’s Feed the Future’s Global Learning Agenda, and contributed to a re-targeting of programs in Tajikistan. Chemonics, the implementing agency, re-focused the program on building the capacities of female irrigators.
As gendered migration trends look set to continue, making sure women have the skills and knowledge to participate in water management will help ensure the success of farms – and of farming systems. In this way, women can more fully participate in the decisions that so profoundly affect their lives.
Agricultural challengesare meetingtheir matchWLE 2018-19 Research Highlights
Finding the right solutions puts sustainable agriculture within reach
Sustainable agriculture faces a constellation of ever-shifting challenges. Our world’s population grows toward ten billion, but there is now indisputable evidence of multiple serious social and environmental impacts caused by current agricultural and food systems. We are fast approaching our limits.
Play the Sustainable Agriculture Match GameClick two cards. If the pictures match, the WLE solution will pop up! If not, try again with two more cards
Planetary boundaries
Food systems are a major driver of the unsustainable use of the planet’s increasingly fragile ecosystems. Water, land, forests and the biodiversity are precious, yet finite, natural resources. Current trends show that we are pushing the limits of what Earth can handle. How can we transform agriculture so that it's no longer part of this problem, but part of the solution?
Ann Tutwiler (CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE))Board Chair
WLE is establishing a commission to convene global experts on sustainable intensification of agriculture. These experts will bring together years of research by WLE, our CGIAR partners and other science institutions to synthesize the best policies, economic incentives, tools, technologies and practices as well as lay out a roadmap for a sustainable and equitable food future.
Step Aston (One Acre Fund)Director - Agriculture Research
Access to reliable, large-scale, low-cost soil data is an important part of our efforts to develop more locally tailored soil fertility management recommendations and monitor the long-term impacts of our programs on soil health. To date, our soil lab has processed 50,000 soil samples, deriving insights to inform program strategy and decision-making in six countries. This effort would have been cost-prohibitive were it not for the technological breakthroughs and support delivered by the soil-plant diagnostic laboratory.
Food availability
Population growth, demographic shifts, dietary change, climate change and environmental decline challenge everything we know about how to grow and share food. Yet, food production must increase – some estimates say by 50 percent globally, and by almost 100 percent in Africa and Southeast Asia by 2050. But it’s not only about increased production. Better, healthier and more nutritious food is needed too.
Diego Senoner (Indo-German Energy Program)Technical expert
A well-designed KUSUM (Indian solar pump and grid-connected power plant scheme) policy for solar-powered irrigation is important for India to secure sustainable development of agriculture, maintain food security and safeguard groundwater during times of changing climatic conditions.
Marcela Quintero (International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT))Agroecosystems and sustainable landscapes research area director
This data platform for improving water management demonstrates the potential that alliances between research centers and development agencies have to generate products that provide concrete solutions to real problems in agriculture. Likewise, these partnerships allow technical and scientific products to reach end users faster.
Equality of opportunity
In this era of planetary degradation, the world’s poorest and most marginalized often bear the brunt of the burden, losing livelihoods and opportunities. This can drive conflict and migration. With men increasingly leaving rural areas, women are playing a greater role in agriculture, but are still often marginalized and lack access to decision making and resources. At the same time, the sector offers fewer viable jobs to youth. Solutions are only sustainable if they are also equitable.
Abdullaeva Uguloi (Water user association of Obchakoron District, Halivad Jamoat, Tatjikistan)Head of WUA
All water user associations should be headed by women. There is so much work, especially at the beginning, but you have to balance so many tasks, and you cannot give up. Women are more likely to overcome barriers. You have to be happy to always be working. Women are much better at this than men.
Miriam Otoo (International Water Management Institute (IWMI))Research group leader for resource recovery and reuse
The business of safe recovery of water, nutrients and energy from domestic and agro-industrial waste offers significant opportunities to generate economic and social benefits to women and unemployed youth, especially in developing countries. These entrepreneurs, however, face high market entry barriers due to a lack of social networks, specialist skills and capital. It is therefore important to identify appropriate business training for youth or women entrepreneurs, tailored to their specific needs and capacity gaps under each unique geographical context.
2018 Publications highlights
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