Message from the Program Director
When you picture a thriving ecosystem, what comes to mind? Your inner eye may turn to images of free-flowing rivers snaking through lush deltas and farm plots heavy with prospering crops.
Sadly, the degradation of ecosystems and natural resources is proceeding like never before. Pressure on land and water, pollution from pesticide overuse, and changing weather patterns are among the many factors that impact the livelihoods and food security of millions. The poorest and most marginalized bear the brunt of these burdens.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. At the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), we connect global scientists to find ways for sustainable agriculture to add value to the environment, while also delivering sufficient food, nutrition and income. Many new opportunities for producing safe and nutritious food in thriving ecosystems are emerging.
We are developing a portfolio of solutions across sectors, scales and ecosystems—and I invite you to explore some of them on this poster. What these solutions share is the recognition of how to manage the intrinsic interlinkages within and between ecosystems, such as finding ways to address upstream water use versus downstream irrigation needs or pesticide application versus the impact that has on pollinators. We need to urgently find effective ways to address these trade-offs and synergies – and this is what we do.
A thriving ecosystem is also highly reliant on the policies and institutions that govern it. We must ensure equitable access to knowledge and resources for women, men and marginalized communities. We also need to build capacity to navigate complex uncertainties.
Now is time for transformational change. At WLE, we bring together researchers, farmers, implementers and policy makers to ensure innovative technical and policy solutions are developed and implemented. We believe in solutions that provide these partners with the right incentives for change. Only then can the most promising solutions be scaled for the widespread benefit of ecosystems and the people who rely on them.
To succeed, the world must move forward on agriculture solutions that don’t just solve one problem, but that are able to consider ecosystems as a whole. Connected, we will Thrive!
Izabella Koziell, Program Director
CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
Solutions for Thriving Ecosystems2017-2018 Research HighlightsCGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
WLE brings connected thinking, compelling solutions
The world must move forward on agriculture solutions that don’t just solve one problem, but that are able to consider ecosystems as a whole.
WLE is a global research-for-development program connecting partners to find these solutions.
Through the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and 12 other core partners, WLE ensures thriving ecosystems go hand-in-hand with agricultural development, food system resilience and human well-being.
Discover our solutions by exploring the stories and publications below.
Water and Ecosystems Solutions
Our first round of irrigation lasts two days and there is usually plenty of water, so we irrigate non-stop. But during the second and especially third and final round of the season, water is much more limited. Water for the household we have to get from the well, and we have to deepen it in dry years
Land and Ecosystems Solutions
Your calculations are good on paper, but reality on the ground is very different
Rural-Urban Ecosystems Solutions
This will help sensitize the next generation of decision makers to the opportunities inherent in the circular economy
Risks, Trade-offs and Ecosystems Solutions
We cannot afford to lose one more inch
Inclusivity and Capacity Solutions
We still work now. We do household work now. The work we used to leave for another day—we complete it today
Publication Highlights
Journal Articles
In the News
WLE is grateful for the support of CGIAR Trust Fund Contributors, including direct support from