Elise is Assistant Professor at the Division of Human Nutrition and Health within the group of Global Nutrition at the Wageningen University & Research. Currently she is co-cluster lead of Diagnosis and Foresight cluster of the Flagship Food Systems for Healthier Diets under the CGAIR funded Agriculture for Nutrition and Health research programme. Her research focuses on healthy diets in low and middle income countries, with a special focus on women, children and adolescents. She has previously worked as a Nutrition Scientist for CIAT with the Harvest Plus program in Latin America conducting research with biofortified beans, rice, cassava, orange flesh sweet potato and maize. For her Phd at Wageningen University, Elise studied the efficacy of yellow cassava in improving vitamin A status of primary school children in Kenya. Her postdoctoral research was in the topic "Bioavailability of Zinc in Dutch human volunteers & Efficacy of Yellow cassava in children in Nigeria".