Book Chapter

Sustaining landscapes: Improving land and water management

Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. 2015. Sustaining landscapes: Improving land and water management. In: Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. (eds), Water-smart agriculture in East Africa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI and CGIAR research program on WLE; Kampala, Uganda: GWI EA. PP. 81-88.

Building resilience: Improving water productivity and efficiency

Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. 2015. Building resilience: Improving water productivity and efficiency. In: Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. (eds), Water-smart agriculture in East Africa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI and CGIAR research program on WLE; Kampala, Uganda: GWI EA. PP. 35-38.

Addressing learning and complexity: Putting gender on the map: Methods for mapping gendered farm management systems in sub-Saharan Africa

Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. 2015. Addressing learning and complexity: Putting gender on the map: Methods for mapping gendered farm management systems in sub-Saharan Africa. In: Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. (eds), Water-smart agriculture in East Africa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI and CGIAR research program on WLE; Kampala, Uganda: GWI EA. PP. 259-264.

Building resilience: Vulnerability assessment methodologies for adapting African agriculture to climate change

Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. 2015. Building resilience: Vulnerability assessment methodologies for adapting African agriculture to climate change. In: Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. (eds), Water-smart agriculture in East Africa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI and CGIAR research program on WLE; Kampala, Uganda: GWI EA. PP. 25-30.

Addressing learning and complexity: Participatory screening and evaluation of agricultural and natural resource management technologies

Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. 2015. Addressing learning and complexity: Participatory screening and evaluation of agricultural and natural resource management technologies. In: Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. (eds), Water-smart agriculture in East Africa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI and CGIAR research program on WLE; Kampala, Uganda: GWI EA. PP. 269-272.

Water governance

Lautze, Jonathan; de Silva, Sanjiv; Giordano, M.; Sanford, L. 2014. Water governance. In Lautze, Jonathan (Ed.). Key concepts in water resource management: a review and critical evaluation. Oxon, UK: Routledge - Earthscan. pp.25-38. (Earthscan Water Text)

Water-related ecosystem services and food security

Coates, D.; Pert, P. L.; Barron, J.; Muthuri, C.; Nguyen-Khoa, S.; Boelee, Eline; Jarvis, D. I. 2013. Water-related ecosystem services and food security. In Boelee, Eline. (Ed.). Managing water and agroecosystems for food security. Wallingford, UK: CABI. pp.29-41. (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series 10)
