Most discussions around the inclusion of gender in sharing the costs/benefits/risks of land and water resource development turn to participatory approaches that allow both men and women to be part of the decision-making process. Despite a general increased awareness of gender disparities among the development community, women were often (and still sometimes are) left out of the decision-making process and are not offered access to the same information as men in many cases.
How does the WWF rights-based approach address gender disparities in the right to information? Are women seen as separate stakeholders? Has the rights-based approach helped women enter into "equitable dialog"?
Most discussions around the inclusion of gender in sharing the costs/benefits/risks of land and water resource development turn to participatory approaches that allow both men and women to be part of the decision-making process. Despite a general increased awareness of gender disparities among the development community, women were often (and still sometimes are) left out of the decision-making process and are not offered access to the same information as men in many cases.
How does the WWF rights-based approach address gender disparities in the right to information? Are women seen as separate stakeholders? Has the rights-based approach helped women enter into "equitable dialog"?