The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health – or Global Soil Hub – has been inspired by the UN Food Systems Summit and brings together countries, research organizations, farmers, the private sector and others to improve soil health.
A new report showcases partnerships for wastewater aquaculture that could generate benefits for farmers, water treatment plant operators and consumers worldwide.
Although agriculture remains the biggest threat to biodiversity, experience suggests we can produce more food on less land without overexploiting natural resources and degrading wildlife habitats. We explore five critical factors to ensure agriculture becomes a force for biodiversity conservation.
Policy and action research by the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems to improve rural energy access for smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs shows full alignment with the UNFCCC Race to Zero global campaign for decarbonizing economies.
An evaluation of CGIAR's work on 'solar power as a remunerative crop' finds that it has contributed to the adoption of a more inclusive and sustainable approach in major Indian government programs
A series of e-learning modules from Agro Landscapes aims to promote the systems thinking needed to transform how our agriculture and food systems interact with the environment and contribute to human wellbeing.
On World Soil Day, we argue that healthy and productive soils should be at the center of solutions targeting food system transformation, climate action and ecosystem restoration.
Across West African countries, breaches of free trade regulations are still being reported — an issue posed to drivers transporting food, who have little alternative than to buy their way out.
Eight WLE and IWMI researchers speak on experiences working in science and development. Hear more in this excerpt from an upcoming podcast exploring gender, inclusion, and representation.
What do we know about the role of women in agriculture, in different societies across the globe, that can help us design more effective programs for increasing gender equity?
How many of us want to address gender in our work, but when it comes down to the specifics, aren’t quite sure how? Join the discussion- help us develop a series of collaborative questions to investigate gender in agricultural water management projects.
The evidence base is growing: strengthening women’s land rights contributes to women’s empowerment and household welfare. But it isn’t that simple - there are always vested interests to protect the status quo along with the additional issues of navigating gender norms. How can we improve women's land tenure? Join the discussion
This week marks the launch of the new CGIAR research portfolio. Izabella Koziell, Program Director, lays out the ambitions of the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).
Using satellites to measure soil moisture isn't new, but a new mathematical algorithm is making this technology more accurate, and therefore better able to predict irregular conditions.